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Ajax Implementation

Posted: Fri 30. Mar 2007, 12:17
by betabi
What is it good for?
I looked for a solution to display article content within the article list view dynamicly – end ended up with implementing ajax.
Let’s say: You have category containing serveral articles which will be displayed as an article list – each article just with it’s header information and a "more"-link. This workaround enables You to show the full article content of the choosen article below/next to the list instead of reloading the whole page just displaying the specified article.

(Click on the thumbnails in the right colum to see it working)

What do You need?
1. The http request:
This workaround uses some code distributed by yahoo. You can get it at: ...
We will just need 2 scripts: "yahoo-min.js" and "connection-min.js". Copy them to Your phpwcms installation -> "template/inc_js"

2. Creating the XML
We need 2 files: "ajax_create.php" and "ajax.php". Create them on the root level of Your installtion.

"ajax_create.php" should look like this:

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$url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].trim($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "ajax_crate.php").'ajax.php?'.getenv('QUERY_STRING');
function getResource($url){
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        return $result;
$feed = getResource($url);
echo $feed;
"ajax.php" is just a stripped off version of the original "index.php":

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// define some general vars
$content 			= array();
$phpwcms 			= array();
$BL					= array();

// load general configuration
require_once ('config/phpwcms/');
require_once ('include/inc_lib/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/');

// some initial actions
define('FE_CURRENT_URL', PHPWCMS_URL . 'index.php' . buildGlobalGET('getQuery'));

ob_start(); //without Compression (or use browsers default)
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/config/phpwcms/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/config/phpwcms/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/');
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/');


//predefine values

$content['cat']					= '';
$content['metakey']				= '';
$content['struct']				= get_struct_data(); //reads the complete structure as array
$content['article_date']		= time();
$content['redirect']			= array('code' => '');
$content['all_keywords']		= '';
$content['globalRT']			= array();
$pagelayout						= array();
$no_content_for_this_page		= 0;
$alias							= '';
$_ACCESS_ALLOWED				= true;

//method to get the right action values
//if there is only the ?alias try to find the right category
if(isset($_GET["id"])) {

	$aktion = explode(',', $_GET["id"], 6);
	$aktion[0] = isset($aktion[0]) ? intval($aktion[0]) : 0;
	$aktion[1] = isset($aktion[1]) ? intval($aktion[1]) : 0;
	$aktion[2] = isset($aktion[2]) ? intval($aktion[2]) : 0;
	$aktion[3] = isset($aktion[3]) ? intval($aktion[3]) : 1;
	$aktion[4] = isset($aktion[4]) ? intval($aktion[4]) : 0;
	$aktion[5] = isset($aktion[5]) ? intval($aktion[5]) : 0;

} elseif(isset($_GET['aid'])) {
	// try to find correct structure
	$aktion = array(0,0,0,0,1,0);
	$_GET['aid'] = intval($_GET['aid']);
	if($_GET['aid']) {
		$sql  =	"SELECT article_cid FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article WHERE article_id=".$_GET['aid']." LIMIT 1";
		if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
			if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
				$aktion[0] = $row[0];
				$aktion[1] = $_GET['aid'];

} else {
	// check the alias
	$aktion = array(0,0,0,1,0,0);

	if(count($GLOBALS['_getVar'])) {
		$alias = trim(key($GLOBALS['_getVar']));
		if($alias && !strpos($alias, '=')) { // check alias for "=" what means no alias
			$sql = "SELECT acat_id FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecat WHERE acat_trash=0 AND acat_alias='".aporeplace($alias)."' LIMIT 1";
			if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
				if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
					$aktion[0] = $row[0];

//define the current article category ID
$content["cat_id"]	 = $aktion[0];
$aktion[4] = 1;

// create xml
echo ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><list><item><![CDATA[");
echo ($content["main"]);
echo ($content['CB']['RIGHT']);
echo ($content['CB']['LEFT']);
echo ($content['CB']['FOOTER']);
echo ("]]></item></list>");

// send buffer to browser
Look at the last several lines of "ajax.php". This is where the xml is created:

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echo ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><list><item><![CDATA[");
echo ($content["main"]);
echo ($content['CB']['RIGHT']);
echo ($content['CB']['LEFT']);
echo ($content['CB']['FOOTER']);
echo ("]]></item></list>");
Here You might wish to add some HTML formating to the different content blocks...

3. Parsing the XML and calling Ajax
You have to add 3 small functions to "frontend.js":

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function getModuleHtml(sUrl){ 
	// replace "index.php" -> "ajax_create"
	sUrl = "ajax_create" + sUrl.substr(5);
	// just display a short "Loading message"
	document.getElementById('ajax_output').innerHTML = "Loading Content...";
         // Initiate the HTTP GET request.
	var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', sUrl, { success:successHandlerHtml, failure:failureHandler });
// This puts out the XML to Your page. Make sure that there is an element with the id="ajax_output". This is where the content will go to...
function successHandlerHtml(o){ 
	var ie = false;
	var root = o.responseXML.documentElement;
	var array_all = root.getElementsByTagName('item');
	// cdata section ausgeben
	if (!array_all[0].childNodes[1]) {
		ie = true;
	if (ie == true) {
		document.getElementById('ajax_output').innerHTML = array_all[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
	else {
		document.getElementById('ajax_output').innerHTML = array_all[0].childNodes[1].nodeValue;
// This is a simple failure handler
function failureHandler(o){ 
	document.getElementById('ajax_output').innerHTML = o.status + " " + o.statusText; 
How to use it?
1. Make sure You have created the necessary files and added the Javascript functions.
2. Add a container for the dynamic content to your template like: "<div id="ajax_output">Ajaxoutput</div>"
3. Include the Yahoo functions by pasting

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<script src="template/inc_js/yahoo-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="template/inc_js/connection-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
to the header part of Your template.
3. Add the "Ajax call" to Your "article_summary_list.tmpl": Just replace the "[MORE]-part" with:

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[MORE]<div class="phpwcmsArticleListMore"><a href="javascript:getModuleHtml('{ARTICLELINK}')">display</a></div>[/MORE]
4. That is all.

Posted: Fri 30. Mar 2007, 12:46
by nekket
where can i see it in action? :D

Posted: Fri 30. Mar 2007, 15:17
by Ati
Yeah that would be nice...

Posted: Mon 2. Apr 2007, 13:42
by silencox
nekket wrote:where can i see it in action? :D
You have link on top of his post

Posted: Sun 15. Apr 2007, 11:14
by phalancs
to show the full article content of the choosen article below/next to the list instead of reloading the whole page
Hmm, on your ajaxtestpage, if I click on a link, the list disappears. Did I get you wrong, is there something else you meant?