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problems with step 7: path settings

Posted: Sun 11. Mar 2007, 08:55
by jorge
I’m trying to install phpwcms VERSION 1.3.0, RELEASE 2007/03/06, but I’m struggling with step “7. Path settings”:

In the path settings step, I've entered the following values (of course 'username' is replaced):
site basis:
my domain is still hosted with another provider, that’s the reason why /~username/ is used here! Could the use of '~' be a problem?
rooth path: home/username/public_html [document root checked with my hosting provider]
phpwcms root: phpwcms [I’ve created a directory phpwcms]
filestorage: filearchive
templates: template
ftp takeover: upload

After having entered all the information above I’m getting the error messages below:

filestorage: filearchive FALSE (not existing)
deleted files: filearchive/can_be_deleted FALSE (not existing)
templates: template FALSE (not existing)
ftp takeover: upload FALSE (not existing)
frontend content: content FALSE (not existing)
frontend images: content/images FALSE (not existing)
frontend form: content/form FALSE (not existing)
frontend tmp: content/tmp FALSE (not existing)
frontend rss: content/rss FALSE (not existing)
frontend gt: content/gt FALSE (not existing)
frontend pages: content/pages FALSE (not existing)
startup text: template/inc_default/startup.php FALSE (not existing)
main CSS file: template/inc_css/frontend.css FALSE (not existing)
index level settings: config/phpwcms/ FALSE (not existing)

I’ve checked again on the server; the directoies exists and have the appropriate rights assigned:

/public_html/phpwcms/filearchive 777
/public_html/phpwcms/fielarchive/can_be_deleted 777
/public_html/phpwcms/template 777
/public_html/phpwcms/upload 777
/public_html/phpwcms/content 777
/public_html/phpwcms/conten/images 777
/public_html/phpwcms/content/form 777
/public_html/phpwcms/content/tmp 777
/public_html/phpwcms/content/rss 777
/public_html/phpwcms/content/gt 777
/public_html/phpwcms/content/pages 777
/public_html/phpwcms/template/inc_default/startup.php 0666
/public_html/phpwcms/template/inc_css/frontend.css 0666
/public_html/phpwcms/config/phpwcms/ 0666

Does anyone have an idea what the problem is? I’ve tried it over and over again, but no success!

Many thanks in advance for your feedback!

Posted: Sun 11. Mar 2007, 13:03
by Oliver Georgi
~username is still problematic - but it's possible.

$phpwcms['site'] = '';

$phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] = '/home/username/public_html';
$phpwcms['root'] = 'phpwcms';

Dont forget to set $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] as absolute path - "/" Slash at beginning was missing.


Posted: Mon 12. Mar 2007, 10:30
by jorge
many thanks Oliver! It works now!!! As you said, the "/" slash at beginning was missing

I'm looking forward to working with your application!