Dear Santa this year I have been a very good boy so I would like it very much if you could find it in your heart t ogiving me a 'content data counter' for xmas
while processing the forms would it be possible to add up all the bytes that the individual page uses and offer an estimated download time for that page via a {repTag} for Design & Debug purposes?
Page Bytes: n
ETA 28.8k: n seconds (or hours )
ETA 56k: n seconds (or Mins )
ETA 128k: n seconds
ETA 512k: n seconds
ETA 1mb: n seconds
Byte Counter - for estimated download times
Im not sure...
28.8 KB/s will let you transfer 1024*28,8=29491.2bites pr sec
Do you see the point?
You can calculate the rest your self... Maybe I misundstanding something?
28.8 KB/s will let you transfer 1024*28,8=29491.2bites pr sec
Do you see the point?
You can calculate the rest your self... Maybe I misundstanding something? Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
Re: Byte Counter - for estimated download times
hello dear boypSouper wrote:Dear Santa this year I have been a very good boy ....
did your parents didn't told you not to lie!?