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Check your admin user name and password!

Posted: Sun 21. Jan 2007, 15:58
by Schnoof
I'm frustrated. I tried to set up a new phpwcms on my home PC. There does not seem to be a database mistake as the tables are created correctly (at least I think so, cannot find any error log). The structure looks fine to me. But I cannot create the webmaster account in phpwcms. It always says "Check your admin user name and password!".

I've got
Windows 2000
MySQL 5.0.20a
phpwcms 1.2.8 (had the same problem with 1.2.6)
I have set all directories to full access to everyone. It is running on localhost.

What could I do? What's wrong?

Posted: Sun 21. Jan 2007, 16:05
by flip-flop
Hi Schnoof,

please have a look:

(Search: "Check your admin user name and password") :wink:
Regards Knut

Posted: Sun 21. Jan 2007, 16:09
by Schnoof
So it means I need to fill my webmaster data into the table myself? I didn't dare because I'm confused about the rechte field. If I set it to 0 it still has all rights?

Posted: Sun 21. Jan 2007, 16:30
by flip-flop
Please don´t be afraid. Do it and test. :D

Play arround a little bit. You have full control about the db.

Posted: Sun 21. Jan 2007, 16:46
by Schnoof
Schön, so weit so gut.

Now I have my webmaster and I can login to backend. I defined some basic layout. Now I wanted to add one first article to the Home level. But it cannot be inserted into the database:

error while connecting to database:

INSERT INTO phpwcms_article (article_cid, article_uid, article_username, article_title, article_keyword, article_public, article_aktiv, article_begin, article_end, article_subtitle, article_redirect, article_sort, article_notitle, article_created, article_cache, article_nosearch, article_nositemap, article_aliasid, article_headerdata, article_morelink) VALUES ('0','1','webmaster','Innovatives Design','','1','1','2007-01-21 16:39:14','2017-01-18 23:59:59','','', 10,0, '1169393954', '', '', 1, 0, 1, 1);

What's up now? I don't want to insert all articles manually as this is not why I installed some web CMS. What's the problem here?

Posted: Sun 21. Jan 2007, 18:40
by DeXXus

Posted: Sun 21. Jan 2007, 19:42
by Schnoof
I didn't need to update because I installed mysql before. There was no phpwcms database before installing phpwcms 1.2.8 (incl. the patch).

The other thing with changing the php script did not work.