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@OG: How is the status of the development?

Posted: Thu 11. Jan 2007, 15:46
by jscholtysik
Hi Oliver,

can you tell us how far the development of the new version is?

Thanks in advance?


Posted: Thu 11. Jan 2007, 22:33
by webwesen
yep, bin neugierig as well :)

Posted: Fri 12. Jan 2007, 08:18
by pico
könnt ihr nicht lesen ?

steht doch irgendwo, dass die neue Version noch auf jeden Fall dieses Jahr kommt :)
Vielleicht benutzt OG ja den Chinesischen Kalender - da ist der Jahreswechsel nach unserem Kalender am 18. Februar - oder der alte Russische Kalender, denn da wäre es am 14.Januar soweit.
Da der alte Kalender gegenüber der modernisierten Variante schon um 13 Tage „nachgeht“, begehen seit 1918 alle Gläubigen in Russland Weihnachten am 7. Januar und feiern den Jahreswechsel (im Volksmund „Altes neues Jahr“ genannt) in der Nacht vom 13. auf den 14. Januar.
oder haben wir es schon? mit der 'Nightly-Build' ~~ a'la 'Heilige Nacht Version' (Holy-Night)

EDIT: da gibts noch mehr zur Auswahl :shock: da finden wir bestimmt einen passenden Jahreswechsel.

2.Edit: ich glaub jetzt hab ich'S - OG benutzt den Pawukon-Kalender
ganz besonders gefällt mir da der Name der Zeitrechnung Uku Wuku - wäre vielleicht ein neuer Name für das CMS - andere heißen ja auch Joomla oder so - - :idea:

Posted: Sat 13. Jan 2007, 02:18
by StudioZ
@ pico :
Ce serait super sympa si tu pouvais nous traduire ça, soit en anglais ou... encore mieux, en français ;-)



Posted: Sat 13. Jan 2007, 15:00
by jscholtysik
Hi Yves,

pico is angry about OG because OG always promises dates for making a new version public and never keep his promises. He says that OG probably uses different calendars like the chinese one (New Year at 18.February) or the russian one (New Year at 14.January) because in these calendars New Year (the date OG promised us for a new version) lies on a different date than in the one we use in the Western World... So OG could theoretically hold his date promise... ;-)
That is a short conclusion.

Have fun.


Posted: Sat 13. Jan 2007, 15:30
by Evoplure
Sometimes I'd say OG uses light years: I'd say the problem is not delays but lack of transparency and, mainly, the distance between OG and other people working in PHPWCMS or -worse- people who could be working on it but they can't because OG never show a real commitment to any kind of collective work. :cry:

Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 05:12
by jsw_nz
I have to believe that OliG - has a great surprise up his sleeves - and January will be the delivery window....

just a hunch

Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 06:07
by DeXXus
Georgi Porgi Pudding And Pie, Withheld phpWCMS And Made Them Cry! :lol:

Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 12:22
by jscholtysik
Oh Dexxus, you are so funny... :roll:


Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 13:07
by mochito
mhm, i understand that development takes a lot of time, but any comment about you (OG) / phpcms will be fine !?

cu, juergen

PS: Take a look at Typolight, what do you think about the css-editor and update-routine? Possible to include something like this in phpwcms?

Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 13:10
by oeconom
I get an parsing error while trying to call thre install.php
(error in line 146).
Any idea?


Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 15:29
by flip-flop
By the hell, where you did find the file install.php :shock:

Regards Knut

Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 15:32
by jscholtysik
Hi Knut,

he means the install.php by Typolight...


Posted: Sun 14. Jan 2007, 15:52
by Ben

It's probably because your server doesn't have php5, but you really should be asking this question in the appropriate forum.

Posted: Mon 15. Jan 2007, 03:16
by StudioZ
@ Joachim
Thank you for your above translation.
Much appreciated.

