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Guest book Security image not showing

Posted: Tue 2. Jan 2007, 16:55
by wireless
I just updated a site from 1.1-RC4 to 1.2.8.

Everything is fine now, other than I cannot get the security image to show in the guest book.

Anybody point me in the right direction?

Posted: Tue 2. Jan 2007, 18:07
by flip-flop
Hi wireless,

did you use the default guestbook template of the V1.2.8. phpwcms_template/inc_cntpart/guestbook/default.html

Ther we have a entry called:

Code: Select all

<input name="guestbook_captcha" type="text" id="guestbook_captcha" style="width: 100px" class="v12" value="" size="10" maxlength="10" />
regards Knut

Posted: Wed 3. Jan 2007, 02:51
by wireless
yes, I am using the default.html template.

I uploaded the template file again and the security image still does not show up

Posted: Wed 3. Jan 2007, 06:43
by flip-flop
Oh sorry, the complete line:

Code: Select all

  <td><input name="guestbook_captcha" type="text" id="guestbook_captcha" style="width: 100px" class="v12" value="" size="10" maxlength="10" />&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
Where {CAPTCHA} is the placeholder for the generated image.

Please have a look into the generated source. The placeholder {CAPTCHA} is substituted with e.g.:

Code: Select all

<img src="img/captcha.php?regen=y&1167801264" alt="Captcha" border="0">
All files at the right place? Please compare your installation with the master download.
- img/captcha.php
- phpwcms_template/inc_captcha/*.png
- include/inc_ext/SOLMETRA_FormValidator/*.php

Regards Knut

Posted: Wed 3. Jan 2007, 15:06
by wireless
all the files are there.
They match the master files.

the page renders:

Code: Select all

<input name="guestbook_captcha" type="text" id="guestbook_captcha" style="width: 100px" class="v12" value="" size="10" maxlength="10" />&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td><img src="img/captcha.php?regen=y&1167832295" alt="Captcha" border="0" />

Is there a CHMOD setting I should have changed on one of the files maybe?

Posted: Wed 3. Jan 2007, 21:08
by mikepkp17
which php version do you have?

Posted: Thu 4. Jan 2007, 02:19
by wireless
php version 4.xx

Posted: Thu 4. Jan 2007, 07:51
by flip-flop
All files at the right position (case sensitiv!) and the permissons for files (644) and folders (755) are correct?

Please have a call to O.G. I don´t know why it isn´t running for you. (Last idea: charset)


Code: Select all

<img src="img/captcha.php?regen=y&1167832295" alt="Captcha" border="0" />
This line in an html CP or template CP must produce a Captcha image.

Regards Knut

Posted: Thu 4. Jan 2007, 08:02
by mikepkp17
As far as I can remember I had to switch to php 4.4.2 version because with my php 4.3.11 the captcha image also didn't show up.

And the then most recent php5 version didn't work neither, so if your hosting provider supports switching php version then first try this (or try it on localhost).

I did not dig into this issue since it was working for me after switching php...

Posted: Thu 4. Jan 2007, 10:43
by flip-flop
Please have a look to and refresh this page. ... dator_about

Code: Select all

<img src="">
I am wondering about my regen=y&....
I think the right ouput is: regen=y&....
Please make a second test using this snippet:

Code: Select all

<img src="img/captcha.php?regen=y&1167832295" alt="Captcha" border="0" />
For it is running on:
PHP Version 5.2.0
PHP Version 4.4.4


Posted: Fri 5. Jan 2007, 00:17
by wireless
My bad.

I am running 5.1.4 PHP

Still nothing works :?