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problem with charset in WYSIWYG
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 04:06
by fozzy
when i make EDIT ARTICLE, i see in WYSIWYG - "ïðèìèòå íàøè ïîçäðàâëåíèÿ!!!"
my defaul charset "windows - 1251", used russian lang...
PS sorry for lang. ))
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 09:37
by Jérôme
And what do you expect to see?
Which of WYSIWYG-Editors are you using (you look it up in your (HTMLArea, FCKeditor)
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 13:46
by fozzy
$phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] = 3; //0 = no wysiwyg editor, 1 = HTMLarea, 2 = FCKeditor, 3 = browser based
i expect to see instead of "ïðèìèòå íàøè ïîçäðàâëåíèÿ!!!"

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 14:11
by Jérôme
You could try setting the charset-property in to your "windows-1251". I don't know if this will have any effect...
Or perhaps change everything to UTF-8 - this should cover all "foreign" chars.
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 14:44
by fozzy
no, its not work..((
can i set charset for editor only?
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 14:47
by Jérôme
I don't know where this "browser based" editor is located, but if it is one of the editors included in phpwcms, search the folder "include/inc_ext" for configuration files. In these you should find language settings.
Or: try to use one other of the editors...
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 15:04
by ionrock
Maybe try Unicode?
That is all I could think of, hope it might help.
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 16:02
by fozzy
no... problem still open :(
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 16:05
by Jérôme
Perhaps the editors just do not support russian chars, so that you will have to use the non-richtext-mode...

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 16:31
by fozzy
can i put in phpwcms other editor?
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 17:56
by ionrock
Yeah, check the include/inc_ext/ where all the editor code is and then check the include/inc_lib/ article files to see where they have a switch for the editor based on what is chosen so you can add it there whenever you have chosen one.
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 18:11
by fozzy
i have no problem with charset iso-8859-1, but why they dont work with windows 1251???
Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 18:14
by fozzy

Posted: Tue 30. Mar 2004, 02:47
by visionaire
i have this problem in turkish language
i change the code in
Code: Select all
$grstr = htmlentities( $this->Value ) ;
Code: Select all
$grstr = htmlspecialchars( $this->Value ) ;
and my problem is solved.
i hope this change dont cause another problem
any ideas ?
Posted: Tue 30. Mar 2004, 10:18
by pSouper
I think the specialchars is used to ensure that code is not passed via field entries that could be use to hack your site.
although i have not looked at the function you reffer to to see just how far this could compromise your site.
I also think that thier must be an accepted workable fix for this issue other wise most of the world would have to decide whether to have a site in their language OR to have it secure