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SQL databases & phpwcms

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 03:15
by pSouper
I'm currently writting a mod for phpwcms (webstats: more info soon)
and would like to know is it preffered that I...
  • create 3 new tables within the phpwcms database, two of which only store INT totals?(faster for the server)
  • create 1 new table then analize the data to extract the infomation required (cleaner looking database tables)
  • use a new database all together?(some isp only allow limited db's per user)]
  • go home and get a real job?(easier for me).

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 04:33
by feelX
no offence to you :) but you realy think you want spent that time ?

it gives good free stats like awstats

so why wcms should be blown up ?

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 07:36
by frold
feelX wrote:no offence to you :) but you realy think you want spent that time ?

it gives good free stats like awstats

so why wcms should be blown up ?
you can not run awstats on all servers it req. perl/cgi-bin if I remember right!

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 09:31
by Jérôme
I'd prefer the first option with several new tables. The db tables could still look clean, there would only exist more of them ;).

One strong thing that makes me think so is the fact, that there would be needed at least two tables: one that stores the stats-categories, and one that stores the values of the categories (e.g.: Browsers - IE|Mozilla|Safari|etc., Resolutions - 1600x1200|1280x1024|800x600|etc.)

I suppose this is the kind of stats you want to do?

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 09:34
by pSouper
no offence to you but you realy think you want spent that time ?
After seeing the 'BIG FAT ZERO' on Frold's 'phpwcms most wanted' list I thought I would hate to let that many people down ;)

no actually I have looked over a few webstats scripts and thought this was easy enough for a first script, I have just got to learn this php/sql so it's more a learning thing for me, a webstat thing for you ;)

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 15:16
by ionrock
you might want to consider doing something that uses flat files. I have always found that the file stuff is always more difficult than the database side of things and that way you could get a head start on regex!!! And we all love regex ;)

That way you could also write something from stratch which will allow you to learn more anyway than applying some script. Just my 2 cents . Good Luck and feel free to ask for help.

*** also, is the best docs I have ever used and when they don't cover something I check out #php

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 15:21
by pSouper
thanks IR, I have just installed the newly posted webstats as integrated by someone else so have already pulled the plug on my script.

flatfiles? is that reading and writting to a file in acsii &/or binary?

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 15:21
by pSouper
thanks IR, I have just installed the newly posted webstats as integrated by someone 'cguenther' so have already pulled the plug on my script.

flatfiles? is that reading and writting to a file in acsii &/or binary?

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 15:35
by feelX
hmm ... my tough is xml is better than flatfiles and more flexible and it has standarts...

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 15:39
by pSouper
Assomeone who doesn't know any better, I hope it's all good advice ;)
I would hate to be starting at the top and work backwards.

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 18:00
by ionrock
I agree with xml. You still need to know how to do the editing of the file and such so that would be a good of using flat files. You could mess with incorporting something like blogger since it uses atom feeds which are xml. It would also be pretty easy (maybe too easy actuall ;)). In any sense just go for it and have fun.

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 20:32
by pSouper
:) thanks, i'll play a little next week.
for now i have to work :( & :)

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 20:34
by frold
Im just making this post, so pSouper didn´t have more posts then I have :D

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 20:35
by frold
ups double post:

Im just making this post, so pSouper didn´t have more posts then I have :D

Posted: Fri 26. Mar 2004, 20:35
by pSouper
take it out of here dude !!
there are good deeds to be done in here.

and i just got one more ;)