Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post custom hacks and enhancements for phpwcms here only. Maybe some of these things will be included in official release later.
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by update »

Some update for you thousands out there waiting for a forum :mrgreen:
Since the interest is soo overwhelmingly huge I gladly can announce, that the forum will be there within days. Jürgen and me did some hours of skyping and now the whole stuff is running within phpwcms - protected by the system (while developing the integration, today Jürgen came around the corner with a much better approach than mine, to be honest - but like in real life things have to be started and quietly sneaked out;))
Gone crazy by the show I'm going to translate some of the stuff into german, but if some of you would like to jump in handy I'd be glad of course to welcome such approach :lol:
The installer has to be made fit the demands of the many interested in such a nice stuff and so on...

Bridging users is another thing and shuffling the forum BE into the BE of phpwcms - all later on or never ;)
So chew on :lol: :lol:
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by baklavoni »

I can jump to translate to Bosnian... ;)
There is no page like home page...
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by update »

As I said before: welcome.

A test is now running utf8 (seems so ;) ) plus the latest phpwcms and everything is looking good. The installer is working again with all the changes made (will need some adjustment perhaps to copy over some files for phpwms?)
mails are sent, PMs are ok, attachments working... 8)
Jürgen has something in preparation additionally...
And, well, it became sort of a module (well not really - it's a forum which is needing special capabilities of permissions and so on . but who knows?)
Can use phpwcms' database but better uses an own one

So watch out - it's alnost showtime already.. :lol:
It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by juergen »


Along withe this beautifull Forum comes a new registration mod for download control ... with (not yet- not here) Paypal Connection
- Several mp3 / PDF / ZIP / jpeg -> out of a LONGBLOB from Database, no direct access possible for unknown Bots or visitors...
- Download only for accessible Mail accounts to get valid reg Code ...

This one goes extra ...

Now its on claus to pack the software :mrgreen:
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by flopi »

wow nice to hear. :D
(> <)
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by juergen »

I believe claus will be the next W3C Validator chair man ! Juts to pay respect to the time claus offers to this project..

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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by update »

Thank you :oops:
Two more very little tiny issues (I'm just running through the code again) and this is 100% valid code then :oops:
And utf8 and iso capable...
testing the subfolder possibilities...
Lots of hours and work together with DF6IH and Jensensen skyping and Vseeing :)
If somebody is interested in doing some translation english ---> german: welcome (baclavoni is actually translating already but not into german ;) )

EDIT: seems to be valid now 8)
It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by Jensensen »

indeed, this new [claus' mod] forum runs neatly and fully integrated into phpwcms (backend + frontend) in your/our interest. It is [already] and will be soon vision of delight, just amazing, really
DF6IH wrote:GREAT !
The cream of the crop: you'll need only one --> 1 --> RT --> Replacement Tag, known as --> {THIS_ONE} to place the forum's content [the forum itself!!!] anywhere you want!

Once installed [claus is working hard and needs only a few last steps to pack the package] you will be able to FE-Login to the new forum for phpwcms as "forum-admin" and to administrate a lot of settings, change HTML, divs, classes, CSS and this stuff to your needs!

Special thanks go to DF6IH, who made the new forum acting [resides next to other modules] like some kind of "quasi module" [needs no activation like other well known mods] but comes with its own installer routines AND still has its own rules: HTML, CSS and so on (see above) and needs a database, too. You can trigger/call a new/second database or work with prefixes like "my_forum_" to add the new [required] tables to your --> existing phpwcms-database!

But the discoverer who did thousands of & --> & changes in addition of reading/editing many lines of code [to ensure valid html output and frictionless functions/integration --> made the new forum run {very::formidable} smoothly] was --> claus.

claus wrote:...doing some translation english ---> german...
nuserXP would be my choice...

PS: Needs [will be] no pimped version, and runs perfect with v1.2.6 to v2.7
{Jürgen, Claus, oder etwa nicht?}
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by G-Punkt »

Das hört sich alles wirklich ganz prima an und ich freu' mich wie ein kleines Kind.
Mein Warten scheint sich, nach den Ankündigungen zu urteilen, gelohnt zu haben, da ich das Forum in zunächst zwei Installationen einbauen möchte.
Einmal in die Uni-Site, welche nach Einbau des Forums neu aufgesetzt wird sowie in eine private Site für meine in der ganzen Welt verstreuten Familie.


PS: Wenn sich einer von euch Forumsentwickler mal nach Bayreuth verirrt... geb' ich ne Runde aus! Image
Tschuldigung, wo finde ich die Suchfunktion?
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by Jensensen »

Last edited by Jensensen on Sat 20. Sep 2008, 02:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by Jensensen »

G-Punkt wrote:...ich freu' mich wie ein kleines Kind...
ich auch --> erst recht ob deines leckeren, fröhlich, freundschaftlich, sympathischen smilies!!!! [house_bräu, also selber gemacht, oder wo zu finden...?]
G-Punkt zunächst zwei Installationen einbauen möchte...
kannste überall einbauen... [wenn claus mal endlich das package packt {und die restlichen CSS-faxen gefixt sind}]

Ach, hier isset: Image :wink: [wer is omni?]

G-Punkt wrote: PS: Wenn sich einer von euch Forumsentwickler mal nach Bayreuth verirrt... geb' ich ne Runde aus!..
claus, Jürgen, baklavoni {pack your bags} --> Koffer packen :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: [pronto] :arrow: phpwcms goes Festspiele :arrow:
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by nebenaube »

Does anyone have the latest copy of the forum cp that this thread was originally about? I'm not interested in the MyTopix integration but rather the original extension of cnt53.
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by phalancs »

Ich brauch wieder ein Forum in phpwcms, ich werd' wieder eins anpassen.

Die Jahre versteichen und immerhin wird man dabei auch ein bischen klüger, dann gehen diese php Anpass-Geschichten doch einfacher von der Hand. Auch wenns immernoch lange Nächte sind, irgendwie bringts ja auch Spaß.

BTW: Ich finds blöd, wenn hier leute Screenshots posten und dann nie wieder was dazu schreiben oder mal ne Datei hinterlegen :P
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by Oliver Georgi »

Vanilla anschauen, prädestiniert dafür.
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Re: Forum CP [v.1.0 !]

Post by update »

phalancs wrote:Ich finds blöd, wenn hier leute Screenshots posten und dann nie wieder was dazu schreiben oder mal ne Datei hinterlegen
Das Ding läuft und zwar in phpwcms! Nur war 1. die Begeisterung und Notwendigkeit und das "Haben wollen" nicht so offensichtlich und 2. gab es eine kleine Macke mit utf8 (kann ich mal bei Gelegenheit erklären, wenn's Dich interessiert)
Meld Dich per PM, wenn Du mehr wissen willst!
Oliver Georgi wrote:Vanilla anschauen, prädestiniert dafür.
Heya prima, vielleicht kann das ja utf8 quer durch phpwcms in die DB schreiben und auch wieder auslesen! Das wäre was. Vanilla fand ich damals nämlich auch schon gut, allerdings war das mit dem dann eingesetzten Forum viel einfacher!
Oder hast Du einen Tip an der Hand, wie das mit der Vanillaintegration gehen könnte?
It's mostly all about maintaining two or three customer's sites Still supporter for the band Mykket Morton. Visit Mykket Morton on FB. Listen Mykket Morton and live videos on youtube.
Now building a venue for young artists to get wet on stage, rehearsal rooms, a studio, a guitar shop - yes I'm going to build some guitars.
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