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PhpWCMS Forums -> In a glass vacuum ?

Posted: Tue 21. Nov 2006, 15:20
by StudioZ
Is it just me who has the feeling that these forums are
closing themselves from the outside world...? :roll:

More and more, I have the feeling that all the latest
patches and fixes notes are written in German.
From the start, I tought that the common denominator language
for open source communities, was English. I guess I was wrong.
Seems like... not much we can do about... what seems the popular will.

On my side, my English is not that good but
I sure make an effort to communicate in this language.

Posted: Tue 21. Nov 2006, 16:22
by isac
I Totally agree with you!... :)

Posted: Tue 21. Nov 2006, 18:14
by Audax
I was feeling the same just 2 weeks ago, see: ... onal+forum

You're definitly right, but that's the way it goes...

On the other hand, some of the arguments posted there are true. You can always use a translator like Babelfish and if you have your own question posted in English, people normally react in English too. For me it's just that i'm less encouraged to look at other peoples problems or discussions, 'cause all the german makes it more difficult.

Posted: Tue 21. Nov 2006, 19:21
by StudioZ
Audax wrote:I was feeling the same just 2 weeks ago, see: ... onal+forum

Seems like I missed that discussion :roll:
Audax wrote:...For me it's just that i'm less encouraged to look at other peoples problems or discussions, 'cause all the german makes it more difficult.
Exactly what is happening with me. + Life is too short.
Less and less interests in reading stuff I don't understand.
I did tried to follow some threads with Babel Fish, although... this is far from the ideal solution. Doesn't make sense to me.

If anyone knows a better translation tool... it's time to point it out ;)

Posted: Tue 21. Nov 2006, 19:22
by marcus@localhorst
most of german posts are smalltalk :-)
ok, not really :-) - Audax is right, ask english, get english answer.
I think important solutions are described in english, if not, try to translate or ask for an english summary.
Due it#s a german product, there is a pool of people who are glad to have a german product with german support/community because their english is not so good. (but that is the best way to learn it :-))

best marcus.

Posted: Tue 21. Nov 2006, 23:46
by Stim
That’s true. I have learn lots of English on this site to but I also agree with this forum its hard to use many time because different language and just German language it one language I cant understand at all wish made this forum more hard to use and finding something, even if use search function many time.

I wonder way not start English support forum for phpwcms at or maybe on other site? It should be very useful.

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 02:14
by wireless
I have no issues with german postings or any other language.

I'm from the states and I haven't a clue when it comes to any other language other than english.

PHPWCMS is built by Oliver and he's german right?
So, what's the suprize with postings in a language other than english?

I feel lucky that so many others do there best to help those of use that only speak on language. (shame on us, my son is 8 and speaks 2 languages already)

and yes, I have used Babel Fish to see what some of the threads say and at the end of the day. If the topic has any importance to the security, upgrade or other with phpwcms then it usualy is in english or enough of it to be usefull to me.

That's my 2 cents.

Keep up the good work guys.

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 08:07
by tinoo
Hi Folks
wireless wrote:I'm from the states and I haven't a clue when it comes to any other language other than english.

I'm swiss and german speakting too. So why should i speak english when
english speaking forum members don't care about other languages? Why should i always take the hard way in writing and reading postings? Because for me it is easier to read and write in german... And there are many germans helping out here too.

Ok, i agree - offical stuff like patches, new versions and so on should be in english. But support can be both: german and english. Ask in english and you'll get english help!

That's my opinion, my 2 cents...

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 09:43
by DeXXus
I think tinoo has made good points on all accounts. Oliver "owes" me nothing ! I must grab what I can.
I have no disagreements with how you have "characterized" this forum and the world internet community as a whole.
It is the way of the world ! However, I will point out that there is an "obvious" logical reason for this observance (by you):
tinoo wrote:And there are many germans helping out here too.
~IF~ (many/most/majority) of discussion (was/is/becomes) German...
...Who did you expect ~BUT~ Germans (or German speakers) ~WOULD~ be "helping out" here ? :wink:

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 11:27
by tinoo
English is definitely the universal language for communication, programming and so on...

But look - it took me (and everyone who's first language is not english) several years and a couple of dollars/euros/swissfrancs to improve my / our english skills. So it makes me angry if someone blames me when i ask for german support just because it is the easiest way for me...
[added] I'm happy with phpwcms - and i'm even more happy with a german community for phpwcms... For one time it makes things easier for us german speaker[/added]

I suggest the following:

- Support in this forum should be in english or german, because this are the two largest usergroups (i guess). Maybe it would be useful to splitt the support forum into [GER] Support und [ENG] Support? Everyone then can decide whitch forum suits more to his/her question...

- a docu-team should grab all the important informations out of this forum into the docupage and translate it into the other language. There are tons of informations stored in the forum-pages, but hard to find it. A proper and up to date docupage with an expandable FAQ would solve a lot of support questions...

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 15:05
by wireless
I feel it would be a waste of time and effort having another forum for the English speaking folks.

I only speak English and I have no issues with a primarily German forum for a cms that is designed and built buy Germans.

If you want to complain about not being able to read some of the post then maybe you should start using MS Front Page

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 15:53
by Stim
I think its ok with German language, after all, OG is german and it is his software we all use and we should respect that. But I think one more forum eg for just English side by side with Germany forum should not hurt anyone. It’s just 3-4 MB more space at Otherwise this forum relay should organise and clean up all junk

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 16:19
by DeXXus
wireless wrote:If you want to complain about not being able to read some of the post then maybe you should start using MS Front Page
What is this? FLAME BAIT? C'mon man! Sheesh. :?
Don't get me started talking about "TAKERS". :evil:

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 21:42
by Stim
Hi all

What’s wrong with MS Front Page? I use it every day, please tell me? even more then dreamweaver also because it start mush faster then dreamweaver and its perfect if need to quickly edit cod and its also perfect to change between cod stuffs or designs stuffs.

Please do not say "Notepad" or something is better because "pro us it "That’s old history and I am sure even "pro" doesn’t use it anymore. I’m also sure they use MS Windows or MAC OS and not DOS anymore

Notepad + old stuffs = history.

Posted: Wed 22. Nov 2006, 23:17
by pico
you're right

I don't use notepad - I use UltraEdit :P on Windows
and pico at Linux - Nomen et Omen :D