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Forum - PHPBB-3

Posted: Tue 21. Nov 2006, 12:52
by Stim

As i understand PHPBB-3 is out verry soon. Maybe Oliver should wait with to last version before integrated forum to wcms? It’s upon beta 3 right now as I understand on

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 17:28
by phalancs
the reason that there is not yet a forum in phpwcms is not connected to oliver "waiting" for phbb3...

Its would be a big thing if we at least had a phpbb 0.0001 in it :D

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 18:44
by Stim
Yes that true :lol:

But otherwise I think phpbb3 coming up before and very soon, and it maybe can be worth to wait for it. I have test new one and there is many change in admin area but forum still have same look, with some new functions only

Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 21:15
by Stim
Hi phalancs

How did you add YouTube videos on your site? On and way can’t I read your source code? :D

Is it some kind of free stuffs from YouTube or something? Very nice anyway and something for me to add on website also. If that is some kind of free stuffs

Posted: Fri 24. Nov 2006, 07:16
by SNap
no need to wait for phpbb3 ... i am waiting since fall 2005.... by that time there was a query of estimating when it will come..... the latest entry was AFAIR eastern 2006 :)

Posted: Fri 24. Nov 2006, 11:53
by Stim
Why integrate phpbb forum at all? An separate installations and with good design works to, even better. Everything in forum can be designed an get it to look as it already was integrated to rest of site. No problem at all – just downloads and installs it. But one more database needed of course. I have 10 databases on my host so for me that not problem. Import all table into one database with prefix phpbb_ works to if there is only one database on host.

Actually I don’t think any kind of forum can be same good as install it separate. But all thing off stuffs integrated in phpwcms is good also

Posted: Fri 8. Dec 2006, 14:40
by phalancs
Well The problem is not the layout but the connection to the phpwcms usermanagement and the neatless integration in the articles :)

Posted: Fri 8. Dec 2006, 20:12
by Stim
Forum layout is important. I work month with new layout and i didn’t see anything like what i did on any other site. Just same layout everywhere on the net!! There are many templates for forum that can change colour, button and all that stuffs, but please!!!

Posted: Fri 8. Dec 2006, 20:54
by phalancs
You can easily add youtube videos. On the youtube site there is a code snippet (one for every video) that you just have to copy and paste into the textarea of a html content part.

Posted: Fri 8. Dec 2006, 22:02
by Stim
Thanks man! I didn’t see any tags before! Well maybe I did but didn’t know what it was for. Thanks again any way….