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searching for an idea to solve this problem

Posted: Thu 16. Nov 2006, 18:55
by dulnan
Hi there!

I'm working on a new Website, with a self-made navigation. It has got a roll-over effect (with two images).To make it "ready" for the {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} Reptag, it would take a lot of work and it won't fit in my Website Design.

So I had the idea to create for every content ("Home" "about" "work" "contact") a seperate site; "home.php" "about.php" "work.php" etc.

To have the content from phpwcms in this seperated websites, I wanted to include the following in those sites: index.php?home for the homepage or index.php?about for the about-section. But it doesnt work. There's an error:

Code: Select all

Warning: main(index.php?about): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/htdocs/web50/html/v2/about.php on line 136

Warning: main(): Failed opening 'index.php?about' for inclusion (include_path='.') in /srv/www/htdocs/web50/html/v2/about.php on line 136

How can I solve this problem? Could it work?


Posted: Thu 16. Nov 2006, 19:29
by pepe
Oh Ohhhh,

thats no good idea... phpWCMS is a ContentManagementSystem and should do all the things for you...

Try the NAV_LIST_UL or NAV_LIST_UL_DIV from flip-flop...

You are able, to manage the outfit of your MenuIcons with css... and inside your frontend.css you can have different background images for normal-, hover- and active-links.

Might be a better solution, because it works in a dynamic manner!

Posted: Thu 16. Nov 2006, 19:41
by dulnan
thank you!

But I also forgot to say, for every section, there is an other header image. And i think, this isn't possible with phpwcms...


Posted: Thu 16. Nov 2006, 19:57
by pepe
it's possible!

The easiest way would be tag {RANDOM:../picture/your_folder}

another possibility is to use a small phpSript to manage the Header-images.

And you need only ONE template!

seperate sites???

Posted: Fri 17. Nov 2006, 02:35
by Jensensen
separate sites??? hä??

There seems to be general misunderstandings about the main functions of phpwcms.

You can do everything with CSS and several templates.
For individual headers in every section, it would be a good idea to use separate LAYOUT-TEMPLATES.
One for home, about, contact and so on.

As pepe mentioned, there is another way to variate header images randomly.

Try different CLASSES (CSS) for every page coded in your frontend.css. Or, the hard coded way, put all your (X)HTML stuff in different layout-templates.

Choose the desired template for each category or article and everything will be ok!

For details on navigation search articles written by flip-flop. Very sophisticated and useful!!!

To place any kind of content on your pages you can use built in methods or additional modules and replacement tags. For that case it is worth to search this forum for: TEASER_EX, EXDATA, SHOW_CONTENT and much more.


Posted: Fri 17. Nov 2006, 11:53
by dulnan

I made it now with layout-templates and it works. It was boring, but the result is very nice! ;)


Posted: Thu 23. Nov 2006, 21:00
by dulnan
So, here's the result:

südebTV -

or follow this thread:

click here!
