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Formating of Text under Pictures

Posted: Tue 14. Nov 2006, 15:16
by Mixix34
hope I'm right here.
I want to make textlines under my pictures by using the intput form.
First problem is: I have two very different text sizes in Mozilla and MSI.
Second: The lines are doing no Return and don't fit under the Pictures if they are too long.

Where can I format the Text under the Pictures?

Any solution for that?

Posted: Tue 14. Nov 2006, 16:08
by pepe
Add the following codelines into your frontend.css file... and play with it!

.image_caption {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
.imglistcaption {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;

Do you have a URL to show?

What do you mean with "inputform"???
My captions do have automatic breaks... no line is longer than the width of the image???

But you can use [BR] as a manual Break! Nearly all over the script!!!

Posted: Tue 14. Nov 2006, 17:18
by Mixix34
Hey thanks,
that works. Return works with [br].
With Inputform I ment the feeld were you have to put the text witch should be visible under the picture.

Anyway. Every thing is fine.

Thanks for quick help. :D