I am sorry to tell you that I don't have the time to develop a new version of this MOD to make it compatible with the newest releases of phpwcms. DON'T install this MOD on your phpwcm. It will NOT work and probably harm your phpwcms installation.
## MOD Title: phpwcms Company Mod
## MOD Author: Jerome < spam@jerome-gamez.de > (Jerome Gamez) http://jerome-gamez.de/
## MOD Description: Adds company-related functionality to phpwcms
## MOD Version: 1.3.1
## Installation Level: Easy
## Installation Time: 5-10 Minutes
## Requirements: - phpwcms V1.1-RC4
## Files To Edit: phpwcms.php
## index.php
## include/inc_front/content.func.inc.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/viewtopic.php?p=7223
## for the latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause
## malicious code to enter into your phpwcms-installation. As such, phpwcms will not
## offer support for MOD's not offered at: http://www.phpwcms.de/forum/
## Author Notes:
## WARNING: The deletion of entries is hard. That means, unlike the usual
## phpwcms behavior, the entries are completely deleted from the
## database and not just marked as "deleted".
## If there are some hidden folders or files calles _MACOSX, .DSStore, etc.
## neglect them or delete them. They are Mac OS X system files/folders that I
## could not delete before.
## MOD History:
## 2004-06-01 - Version 1.3.1
## * Checked and cleaned up the code for issues causing "Notice:" alerts in PHP/Apache
## 2004-06-01 - Version 1.3
## * Checked for RC4 compatibility
## * Improved the code a little
## 2004-04-20 - Version 1.2
## * This MOD is not dependent on the <ul>/<li>-MOD anymore.
## * Use of the WYSIWYG-editors for the releases (this is not yet possible for the
## detail fields of a product)
## * fixed some minor bugs
## 2004-04-20 - Version 1.1.2
## * Fixed bugs with displaying product information like images, price lists, etc.
## 2004-04-13 - Version 1.1.1
## * Fixed bug when adding a product
## 2004-04-07 - Version 1.1
## * Added addtional product property 'description'
## * Added option to add a picture to a product
## 2004-04-04 - Version 1.0.3
## * Replaced the mb_strlen()-Function because most PHPs don't have the needed
## library
## 2004-04-04 - Version 1.0.2
## * Some mor small bugfixes
## 2004-04-04 - Version 1.0.1
## * Fixed some evil bugs in the installation instructions
## * Added all other languages to the backend language files to avoid errors
## 2004-04-02 - Version 1.0
## * Adapted for phpwcms V1.1-RC2 2003-03-28
## * Improved installation instructions
## * Full german and english localization
## 2004-03-23 to 2004-04-02 - Version 0.1 - 0.6.1
## * For phpwcms V1.1-RC2 2003-02-20
## Before Adding This MOD To Your phpwcms, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
ToDo The following features will be included sooner or later
Addition of a picture to one product
Prices: Tax information and inclusion for calculations
Configurable Categories in Admin area
Use of the WYSIWYG-editors to enter data (This will not be implemented yet, because it would require a "dirty hack" which I am not ready to do. One of the next release will enable a more flexible way of implementing the WYSIWYG-Editors. Until then, you can make use of frolds hack that you can find here.)
Wishlist It is not possible to say whether or not features on the wishlist will be included into this MOD. Time will show.
Customizable fields for each object (e.g. weight, height, width, etc.) (ionrock)
Regards/ Grüsse/ Groetjes - JAN212
------------------------------------------------ null212 - Büro für Kommunikation und Design
------------------------------------------------ Lyrikfetzen des Tages
1. Ist der Quelltext auch valide fragt Herr Müller ganz perfide.
2. Wat is dat een lekker ding.
3. Wer Vision hat soll zum Arzt gehen.
I think I kind of like the idea but would like to see more about how it works/looks within phpwcms. is it a catalogue? is thier room for pictures? can we define the amout of columns and rows/items per page?
I know I sound picky but I would like to se all of the above very much
Off topic sorry:
@ fulvio, nice signature but of course taking that statement to extreems you would be saying that 'Nothing is complete'
Last edited by pSouper on Tue 23. Mar 2004, 16:45, edited 1 time in total.
It looks great so far....!! But It would be very nice if you could build in the admin of this mod into the phpwcms backend...eg. under Admin > Products - I haven´t tested it when I have that I will give you more feedback
Thank you for your reply, frold. I don't know how to include it in admin until now, but I will have a look at it.
But then just the admin will be able to edit information although it's intended that every user can do this. So I will look after including it into the user interface.
I am just sceptical in changing the core code - each phpwcms-update would require to change the core-code again.
pSouper wrote:I think I kind of like the idea but would like to see more about how it works/looks within phpwcms. is it a catalogue? is thier room for pictures? can we define the amout of columns and rows/items per page?
I know I sound picky but I would like to se all of the above very much
Unfortunately I am really new to phpwcms and so I have no idea how to include this to the system.
On the other side... I think, when the functionality is there, it should not be too difficult to include it to phpwcms?
Including it in to phpwcms is a snap: download IonRock's 'Blog' mod and see exactly how this has been implemented. Although I would not suggest you place it in the top menu as with the 'blog' mod the method is the same for placing it on the left menu within the ADMIN area.
- I included the whole thing into phpwcms. I first tried to do it exactly the same way Oliver has done it (by using and/or modifying his functions), but I simply did not get it. So I did it like I did it
- Localization is now possible. I've done it in german, I will include english translation in the next release.
- I have not yet included the "prices"-section. This will follow in the next days.