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Posted: Sat 20. Mar 2004, 17:42
by pSouper
I guess this one is for IonRock really...
would it be possible or even desireable to have parse an argument to the blog mod so that we could place blogs for individual 'Authors' (these could also be seen as subject, categories etc) such as {BLOG:arg,arg,arg}
my point would be..
1: I may have a site that has five contributors/authors each has thier own pages and each would like to incluse thier own blogs: {BLOG:john} would only show blogs where the author was 'John' (or his ID anyway)
2: I may want blogs on seperate subjects such as my myArtBlog and myDailySiteBlog and myDailyPersonalBlog. the first I put in my template on the 'Right Column', the second I put in my index article and the third on my 'personal' menus first article etc.
so what do you think? go-on, you know you want too
Posted: Sat 20. Mar 2004, 18:15
by pSouper
I tink the blog is fine but for a small problem.
It will not store the summary (wysiwyg editor text/content) and therfore when displaying the blog all i get is the title and author
my tables are as follows...
- blog_id int(11)
blog_author varchar(255)
blog_date datetime
blog_uid int(11)
blog_title varchar(255)
blog_summary blob Binary Binary - do not edit (0 Bytes)
blog_aktiv int(1)
is this the full and correct table?
any other sugestions?
Posted: Sat 20. Mar 2004, 22:31
by ionrock
I do apologize for the problems. The reason that you can't see the article in the edit probably is due to differences in the magic quotes in my setup. Just look in the edit and new article template pages to see what is different for the article form. One probably has aporeplac() and the other doesn't. Which ever one works use that one.
As for the author aspect I think this is a very good point. I do not plan to make any major modifications to it but it should be pretty easy to add it in the replacement tag without much trouble. The reason I am not planning on making any mods to it is b/c I am working on a plugin system so all these mods/hacks/etc can be easier to install. The first plugin I think I am going to use is a blogger plugin so you can use blogger to update the blog and since you asked (;) ) have different users on different pages. The reason for the blogger plugin is b/c there are standalone apps (gtkblog) that use can use on your desktop. It also uses the atom feed which is supported by many future blog systems so that way we get a really good crossplatform (movable type, blogger, etc) blogging tool that can be easily exported to rss/atom readers.
Of course I am ultra busy at the moment so things are going kind of slow (three jobs and full time school
) but things are still moving along. I have already used phpwcms on three different client sites I am doing and the results are very nice.
If you are still having really bad problems with my blog hack look for me online on aim (i0nr0ck) and maybe I can test somethings for you and see where I messed up things for you
You can also email me at but IM will definitly get you faster responses.
Posted: Sat 20. Mar 2004, 22:58
by pSouper
thnaks for your responce IR. I already figured that 'aporeplace' is the problem but can't find one simgle refference that word on google so thought that this may be spelt wrong
what is aporeplace? is it likely to stop the text being sent to the db_table?
can i use anything else instead? (i will refference the files you mentioned, but in a few days.)
speak soon IR
Posted: Sat 20. Mar 2004, 23:01
by cyrano
hi ,
perhaps it means "a poor place"?
Posted: Sat 20. Mar 2004, 23:04
by pSouper
very good cy
Posted: Sat 20. Mar 2004, 23:39
by ionrock
The aporeplace() is something oliver did to escape / and " for the database. In a normal database (like db2 or mysql) you escape a " or / by adding another in front of it. So...
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO sometable (col1, col2) VALUES (' ""myname in quotes""', ' // my name in slashes //');
This is also why magic quotes was created in php. since most databases do this php allows you to have magic quotes turned on and then everything will be escaped so don't would be don\'t. This is also why they made the strip_slashes(). So this whole thing gets pretty confusing and kind of dumb at some point
That is it for my small rant on " and / in php. I think there are also more issues since the articles are kept in binary in the database so that could be another issue all together. But I am really not an authority on this stuff so if you read this and know it is full-o-crap please let me know
Posted: Sun 21. Mar 2004, 00:08
by pSouper
it'll be a long time from now before I become confident ot tell you that you are 'full of crap' but i will keep a note of it
and thanks for the explanation - i shall dig in to the code on tuesday.
Posted: Sun 21. Mar 2004, 01:51
by ionrock
I think the aporeplace() function is in include/inc_lib/ or something like that if you want to see exactly what it does. There are a bunch of functions in that file that might be of interest as well. Good Luck and if you make good changes to the blog script let me know and I will add it to the zip file and things so others can use it too