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... and now some completely different...

Posted: Tue 16. Mar 2004, 22:36
by cyrano
hi there,
does someone can give me a hint, how to save formular data for e.g. with javascript? i have to make a formular which collect the user input and offers after 20 choices made by a user in an editable formular.

How to manage this and second thing: the test and formular runs from a cd-rom, no php or write access to hard disc. no flash or director.

any hints, ideas or website to get further with this problem.

thanx for all advices.


Posted: Tue 16. Mar 2004, 23:36
by pSouper
use flash/director ;)

Posted: Tue 16. Mar 2004, 23:40
by cyrano
hi psouper,

jep i know, not possible because of client.

I found some things with javascript, so i have to use this way.... :cry:

Posted: Tue 16. Mar 2004, 23:49
by pSouper
sorry, I wasn't really helping only highlighting the problems that customers create for us ;)
if it wasn't their cash, which one of us would......(long rant)...... not me for sure!!

i feel better now, thank you for listening. :)

Posted: Tue 16. Mar 2004, 23:56
by cyrano
:D :D :D

i see you are also an "punished" worker.

the client said than the client of him would like to have this, if i find another way, the client oof my client would be frightened (corect?) because of his expection and so on.

once upon a time... the fairy tales starting this... now my standard answer is: i'am workiing in the wide field of fairy tale, myth and multimedia.

Plug and Pray! Jep. :o

so you're welcome and thanx for listening to (sometimes this helps more than a solution :P )

javasript formularauswertung- wer ist fit?

Posted: Sat 3. Apr 2004, 17:55
by cyrano
hallo Forenuser,

wer ist fit in javascript und kann eine formularauswertung incl. Übergabe an weitere seiten programmieren?

detail bitte als PN oder email.



does someone is fit in programming javascript?

i need a form with saveable parameters (to the next page and the next...) and a final form where the user is able to change all his made inputs.

any suggestions or more informations/detail please write me a PN oder email.


Posted: Sat 3. Apr 2004, 19:44
by Jérôme
What do you exactly want to do, and would it be okay to discuss this in this thread as I think that everybody could make benefit of it...

Posted: Sun 4. Apr 2004, 14:19
by cyrano
hi Jérôme,

I have about 10 or more html pages, where are some form elements are placed (textfield, textarea, radiobuttons, optionbuttons).
the user should be able to make the decisions or entries and go to the next page, where he/she can also enter information or select a given choices.

after filled all pages there comes the final page where all the previous form data entries will be listed - with the possibility to change them.

after filling all necessary entries he user should be able to send these datas directly to a pre-given email adress.

the pages still run from a cd-rom and open a browserwindow to start.

so what i need is the code or the kind of how it works detailled.

this can be also done by someone who is able to write this javascript code as a job; so therefor I wrote write me and PN or an email.

for me it means to work in javascript more detailled and i have not the time, so I want to "outsource" this part....

have to start on monday this week and must be finished within 2 week maximum.

thanx for listening.


Posted: Sun 4. Apr 2004, 14:25
by Jérôme
And you only have JavaScript as programming language to do it, I suppose.

I just want to repeat it to make clear if I correctly understood it:

You want to carry the variables of forms from one page to another and to additional operations on the forms The application needs to work in the web and locally on HDD/CD-ROM.

Is this it?

Posted: Sun 4. Apr 2004, 17:39
by cyrano
Jérôme wrote:And you only have JavaScript as programming language to do it, I suppose.

yes, because this works as local (client-side script)

I just want to repeat it to make clear if I correctly understood it:

You want to carry the variables of forms from one page to another and to additional operations on the forms
Additional only to change the made inputs at a "summary"-page.
The application needs to work in the web and locally on HDD/CD-ROM.

no, just from cd-rom, no web - so also no php or server-side programming. So it is a way to make the variables with and encoding -URL-methode or with a frame-solution....
Is this it?
Is it better now?

Posted: Sun 4. Apr 2004, 19:37
by Jérôme
If you want to do it with a frame solution, it is quite simple, I guess.

If you have a second frame, put into it all your needed fields that occur in the 10 single forms as hidden fields.

Write a function that copies all the values from one frame to the other and goes to the next single form.

On the resumé-page, read all the values from the second frame.

Do you still want somebody else to do it? Because I think this is not a too big task...

Posted: Mon 5. Apr 2004, 10:26
by cyrano
hi jérôme,

thank you for beeing a pathfinder :D

i know about the kind of doing, but i'am not able to progamm it, because i'am not deep enough into javascript - just some few basics and experience from actionscript in flash...

let me see, i have some code, perhaps you would be able to help me..?

on moment please... :-)

Posted: Mon 5. Apr 2004, 10:45
by Jérôme
Okay, show me what you have, dude! 8)

let us handle this via PN and then present the solution here, okay?

Posted: Mon 5. Apr 2004, 18:03
by ionrock
It would seem cookies would be a simple way to carry things over. Then you can write the script pretty easily. You could then submit the variables to a php page when you are done which would do the mailing for you. Just an idea. Since you are already having to trust the client you might as well force them to have cookies on too ;) Most people do already so it really shouldn't be that big of a deal. Hope that might help

Posted: Mon 5. Apr 2004, 19:00
by Jérôme
He wants the thing to work on a CD, and he has only JavaScript as programming language, as far as I know.

He showed me an attempt how to do it, and I think it looks good. I am curious about his final solution...