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Newsletter + email contact form: Is it possible?

Posted: Tue 26. Sep 2006, 11:50
by fardilha
Hello there.

Right now the newsletter option only allow us to produce a list with the name and the email of a person.

What I really would like to do is a more expandable newsletter without having to use an external script (like ccMail or phpList).

My idea is to have the possibility to show a bigger list of fields (like we can do on the email contact form).
This way I could collect all the info that I need from my users on a single form.

I will not ask for help integrating this with a user area :wink: since I realize that user management is still in it's infancy on phpwcms.

I could really use some help with this since I know how to change the newsletter template but I don't have a clue on how to add those extra fields on the newsletter users.

Thank you!
Pedro Fardilha