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Problems after upgrade!

Posted: Thu 21. Sep 2006, 16:52
by ceint

After I upgraded to the latest version I have encountered a few problems that I have spent hours trying to resolve but without luck.

Problem #1
When going to edit an article in WYSIWYG the WYSIWYG HTML editor isn't working or loading. The only editing option I seem to have now is plain html.


Problem #2
The navigation bar does not expand when clicking on a link with that has more sub-level links.

Example: if you click the "CEINT.COM Poker Club" link at the top in the right navigation menu, it should expand and show the sub-category links in within that main category. This does not happen and does not work for any of the links.

I have searched the forums for help but can't seem to find it. I am not so good in german.

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Thu 21. Sep 2006, 16:57
by flip-flop
hi ceint,

by the hell, why you don´t restore the copyright? It can´t be a big problem for you. ... 2673#72673



Posted: Thu 21. Sep 2006, 17:17
by ceint
Done. sorry about that.

- Any hacks installed or source manipulated? No
- Charset are identically? Yes
- All /config/phpwcms/ files adapted?- Did you work with a sublevel layout? Yes and No
- the most error is an corrupt file, whitch isnt right transfered via FTP.

Re: Hi

Posted: Thu 21. Sep 2006, 17:47
by marcus@localhorst
WYSIWYG - > did you switched on the editor in your user profile in backend?

Posted: Thu 21. Sep 2006, 17:49
by flip-flop

Please remark the hidden entry at your home level.



Posted: Thu 21. Sep 2006, 18:56
by ceint
Thank you. Navigation menu is now working.

WYSIWYG - It say's disabled.

I've set it to use FCKeditor now and that seams to work. Anyone know how to enable WYSIWYG ?

Posted: Thu 21. Sep 2006, 19:05
by flip-flop

Code: Select all

$phpwcms['wysiwyg_editor']    = 2;        //0 = no wysiwyg editor, 2 = FCKeditor, 4 = spaw


Posted: Mon 25. Sep 2006, 00:23
by ceint
I have it set to the following:

$phpwcms['wysiwyg_editor'] = 2;

Even though I have it set to this, it still say's in the profile that WYSIWYG is disabled.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Mon 25. Sep 2006, 02:42
by cyrano

have you set WYSIWYG-editor under menue profile to FCKeditor?


Posted: Mon 25. Sep 2006, 04:35
by ceint
Yes, it is currently set to that now.

Posted: Mon 25. Sep 2006, 07:15
by flip-flop
I think there are not all files uploaded to your account.
Please have a look to to the files /include/inc_lib/
and config/phpwcms/fckeditor_config.js.php

Ore do you use any hack ore JS outside the cms?
Did you use the origin version of the fck?


Posted: Wed 27. Sep 2006, 03:04
by leoff
I am experiencing the same problem except that I do get like half of the html editing menu and can do such things as add links, set bold, underline, etc. However I can not select a different font or font size. That menu item is no longer there since upgrading to 1.2.8. Also the same on a new install today of 1.2.8.

Any suggestions. Charset is the same, WYSWIG editor is set to 2.

Posted: Wed 27. Sep 2006, 06:34
by flip-flop
@ leoff: Have a look:


Posted: Wed 27. Sep 2006, 07:21
by leoff
Thanks. I had already done that. It worked on the new install, but the site I upgraded from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8 will not show any wysiwig tool bars at all. In fact all the articles are presented in plain html.

I have reviewed the file and reloaded the FCEditor2 directory with new files.

All of the settings appear correct and consistent with those of the new install that is working. I am sure I am missing something but just can't figure out where to look.

Posted: Wed 27. Sep 2006, 07:52
by flip-flop
Have you set the WYSIWIG ediitor at your profile in the backend?
It is a switch for every user.