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Creating new PHPWCMS pages using external scrips - help?

Posted: Sun 17. Sep 2006, 14:25
by Gig

Can someone help me, a newbie to phpwcms please.

I have a bunch of my own scripts for creating support tracking, guestbooks, etc and want to integrate them into my site which is running on PHPWCMS. But, I can't figure out how to do it.

Do I create a page for each page of script or an article? What about databases and win_authenticate.php pages, how do you add these in or cant it be done?

How do you create the pages and link them to the database?

I created an email form already from the email script on the training site but there is nothing else on creating other script pages. do I use the html content page and if so how?

Please post something here for me and others who are new to PHPWCMS so we can learn.



Posted: Sun 17. Sep 2006, 15:39
by Klappstuhl28
Hi Gig,

first you have to allow external php scripts in your
Than you have a look to this:

A good workin´ guestbook with captcha-funtion is included in 1.2.8
if i remeber right ( I´m still on 1.2.6 )

And please see for general questions:

Adding Exernal Scripts

Posted: Mon 18. Sep 2006, 10:16
by Gig
Hi Klappstuhl28

I had a look at those links, and I looked at the file you mentioned. It seems my install is out of date so I am going to upgrade it first and see if ti solves anything.

The docs for phpwcms seem to be in non-english languages so I just dont get from them what needs to be done. I will go through the training site you sent and see if it helps.

Thanks and I will let you know if I get it sorted or need more help.


Posted: Mon 18. Sep 2006, 14:33
by Hero
regarding to what you want to do, the iframe is prob the easiest way to include an existing script.

What is the iframe?

Posted: Tue 19. Sep 2006, 07:47
by Gig
Hi hero

What is the iframe and how do I use it, or where do I find an english tutorial on it?

Thanks for replying



Posted: Tue 19. Sep 2006, 09:47
by cyber-james

Re: iFrame

Posted: Tue 19. Sep 2006, 11:04
by Hero
cyber-james wrote:Hy there

yep, and here an solution for changing sizes of the iframe ... highlight=