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Is phpwcms right for monthly magazine site?

Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 15:17
by sh_ksa
Hi all,
I have been looking around in the available open source CMS. And I've come over phpwcms and had a quick look, I pretty admired it. But I don't know if it's the best choice. I'm looking for something suitable for a monthly magazine with all issues available online and can support Arabic language. and can switch the display to be from right to left.

1. Can phpwcms do that?
2. How much customization I need to do? What level of experience and time is needed in that case, I'm not a designer nor web developer?
3. Is there any recommended CMS, open source or commercial, PHP or ASP for my needs? Please advice!

Note: I want to participate in translating phpwcms to partially support Arabic or completely localized, do I fit without any web programming experaence? hope so! :-)

Many Thanks...

Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 16:31
by marcus@localhorst
hi ho,
what is important for a monthly magazine?
- any article is published with date/time
- they can be sort in different ways
- due utf-8 usage it should fit for arabic language (right to left display is just some CSS rules, no problem
- translation is possible due single language textfiles

setup phpwcms is not very tricky, but you need basic knowlege in html to setup a template to display the site.
this forum is very active and everyone would help you out for any problem.

I appreciate that it is principle possible to use phpwcms for arabic language, but I think it need some little treatments. but as I said before, this forum would help you.

best marcus

Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 16:38
by Hero
The only problem I see is the menu-switching. Right now I don't see a way to realize that.

Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 16:54
by sh_ksa
the magazine site structure is very simple

For example:

.... etc
last issue
|_new books reviews
|_... etc ---> the sections little bit vary each month

Past issues
|_month 6
|_month 5
|_month 4
|_month 3
|_month .......etc

we publish the magazie at once.
date/time is not an issue.

with the above structure any CMS can be custmized to for the mag. the thing is I'm looking for the best fit for my needs without the extra features that may add an overhead to the user who maintains the site.

the tiny changes on CSS or the template are some thing I can overcome.

any comment is very apprishiated

Thanks for your replys

Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 17:11
by flip-flop
@Hero: What did you mean with "The only problem I see is the menu-switching" ?


Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 17:13
by Hero
so what do you want to hear? :?:
Like you said, you got no special wishes! Try it, and if you like the structure of the cms.
Or if you want to compare with other cms' you have to give some names of your canidates!

Like I said, it _think_ it is not possible to switch the menu from the left to the right side (by css?). If that is improtant to you that could be the turnng point. If not, just try it :P :wink:
At least, I know, you can swich the fronted language competely!

Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 17:16
by Hero
flip-flop wrote:@Hero: What did you mean with "The only problem I see is the menu-switching" ?

sh_ksa wrote: and can switch the display to be from right to left.
As far as I understood, he wants to make it possible for the user to decide if he want the menu on the left or right side.
Might be I'm wrong ?!?

Posted: Sat 9. Sep 2006, 18:04
by flip-flop
As far as I understood, he wants to make it possible for the user to decide if he want the menu on the left or right side.
Yes, I did understand.
I think the only way are an outstanding CSS switch.


Posted: Sun 10. Sep 2006, 09:27
by sh_ksa
Or if you want to compare with other cms' you have to give some names of your canidates!
yes, how about Durpal?
Like I said, it _think_ it is not possible to switch the menu from the left to the right side (by css?). If that is improtant to you that could be the turnng point. If not, just try it
At least, I know, you can swich the fronted language competely!
switching the menu is mandatory
as far as I know that the switching to RTL is done in the template and it's done by adding dir=rtl in the right palce

Please advise,

Thank you for your replies