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Upgrade Question!

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 06:46
by ceint

What is the best and safest way to upgrade from v1.2.6 to v1.2.8?


Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 07:42
by flip-flop
Hi ceint,

1. Please backup your db.
2. Backup your complete website.
2.1 OR save the files:
- /config/phpwcms/
- /config/phpwcms/
- /config/phpwcms/
- /phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.php
- The whole folder

3. Save a local copy of the new files.
4. Edit all config files. (Insert your settings from the old files into the new files).
5. Upload all files
6. /setup/upgrade.php and follow the instructions to update the database.
7. If all was done, please erase the complete folder /setup/
8. Run and be happy.
FCK editor
9. Login as Admin: Admin -> profile -> switch on FCK
10. FCK toolbar V1.2.7/1.2.8: Please edit the file: /include/inc_lib/ around line 50:

Code: Select all

$oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet   = 'phpwcms_default'; //phpwcms_basic phpwcms_default, Default
Knut :D

Get this error after upgrade

Posted: Sun 17. Dec 2006, 14:06
by zentering
-- ERROR --
CREATE TABLE `phpwcms_formtracking` (
`formtracking_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`formtracking_hash` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL default '',
`formtracking_ip` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL default '',
`formtracking_created` TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL,
`formtracking_sentdate` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL default '',
`formtracking_sent` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`formtracking_id`)

-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_maxlist` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

-- ERROR --
ALTER TABLE `phpwcms_articlecat` ADD `acat_cntpart` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL

- All works even if i got this error.

Posted: Sun 17. Dec 2006, 16:35
by jscholtysik
Hi zentering,

these errors only mean that these tables already exist in your database... ;-)


Posted: Sun 17. Dec 2006, 16:59
by a_tesz
hi, i have a problem. i wanted to make a backup but if i click on phpmyadmin in the backend, it says phpmyadmin has been disabled for security reasons :? what shall i do now? thanks for any help in advance

Posted: Sun 17. Dec 2006, 17:21
by Klappstuhl28
please have a look to your

there you have to enable phpadmin in backend


Posted: Sun 17. Dec 2006, 17:34
by jscholtysik
Hi a_tesz,

and there is only an index.php in /include/inc_ext/phpmyadmin, so you have to copy all phpmyadmin stuff into that folder to work properly... it is not enough to only enable phpmyadmin in!!


Posted: Sun 17. Dec 2006, 18:38
by Klappstuhl28

doch wir müssen geduldig sein, dann dauert es nicht mehr lang

