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Adding a list of Articles in a section of templates

Posted: Wed 16. Aug 2006, 20:21
by omihc

I have a site using phpwcms. I want to add a list (as links) of the articles which I added under a section called News in my template. The News section is under HOME/INDEX.

Its sort of like a Navigation menu but just for the News section.

Is there any type of specific Replacement tag I can use?

Any help is appreciated!



Posted: Wed 16. Aug 2006, 20:26
by Pappnase

look at the new tag

Code: Select all


Posted: Wed 16. Aug 2006, 20:32
by omihc
Thanks, But that shows it for all structures.

I need to to only show for my News structure without the dates.

I was looking at the {NEW:5:ID} and it just renders "{NEW:5:ID}" Where ID is whatever number I put.


Posted: Wed 16. Aug 2006, 21:20
by omihc
To clarify, When we add multiple articles to a Structure. And then go to the page for that Structure we get a list of the articles.

I want that same list but only in a certain section in my template.

Can someone help?
