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Feature Request

Posted: Wed 9. Aug 2006, 12:15
by tinoo
Hi Erich

A Feature request... :D

The "All"-Button is nice. But i saw that in 1.2.8 (or even earlier) there is a new contentpart called "articlemenu", which displays all articles from a category as a table list and others...

I, in my case, use teaser_ex on frontpage for a small box called "sitenews". If a activate the "All"-Button from teaser_ex, the sitenews-list becomes very long and that doesn't look good in the whole design... I rather would redirect to a new empty page and show the whole list there...

So i suggest a new option for the "All"-Button: A redirection to a new Page or to an article, which contains the new contenpart "articlemenu". This can be solved by article-id or url, doesn't matter... Of course - if nothing is defined teaser_ex can act like today...

Would that be something you would like to integrate?

UPPPSSS! This Posting should stay under the Teaser_EX topping... Could someone move this forward? Tnx