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CSS or in another file ...?

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 17:16
by culda_a
I have all the links with the color red and I want to be blue or black ... how can I do that ... I think Pepe told me a long time ago but I don't remember :cry: do I have to change in the CSS file in the back end? If yes is not working ... I done that and no change or do I have to make some changesi in config folder in one of the files there?

Any help pls

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 17:32
by terry_b
Hi culda_a,

To change all the links style that are not using any css class, you'll have to customize this:

Code: Select all

a, a:link, a:visited, a:active, a:focus {
	color: #000000;
	text-decoration: none
a:hover {
	color: #000000;
	text-decoration: underline;

Now you can also create a different css class for a different group of links:

Code: Select all

a.txtlnk, a.txtlnk:active, a.txtlnk:link, a.txtlnk:visited { 
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #000000;	
	text-decoration: none; 

a.txtlnk:hover { 
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #FF0000;	
	text-decoration: underline;

To use this specific class on a link tag, use this:

Code: Select all

<a href="yourlink" class="txtlnk">yourlink</a>

or you can also call it through a DIV or a table's TD but you'll have to change the class like this:

Code: Select all

.txtlnk a, .txtlnk a:active, .txtlnk a:link, .txtlnk a:visited { 
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #000000;	
	text-decoration: none; 

.txtlnk a:hover { 
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #FF0000;	
	text-decoration: underline;

and then use this

Code: Select all

<div class="txtlnk"><a href="yourlink" >yourlink</a></div>


<td class="txtlnk"><a href="yourlink" >yourlink</a></td>

Hope it helps ;)



Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 17:34
by culda_a
Thanks i does ... but one question.... Can I change the color of the link from the backend from the FKeditor? I mean if I selct the text in the editor and I give a collor that color to overite the css color.., Is thi possible?

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 17:38
by terry_b
You can change the frontend.css directly in the backend.

(go to Admin > Default css)

This part is not editable with FKeditor but you can edit it through the text box or what I often do is select and copy the content of the text box, paste in a CSS/HTML editor, modify the code, select and copy the code from the CSS/HTML editor and paste it into the backend's text box for the css and hit save css data.

I always do this for the template system.



Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 18:38
by culda_a
you can edit it through the text box or what I often do is select and copy the content of the text box, paste in a CSS/HTML editor, modify the code, select and copy the code from the CSS/HTML editor and paste it into the backend's text box for the css and hit save css data.
I don't understand exactly what you mean

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 18:47
by terry_b
Like I said, you can edit the CSS directly in the backend panel. ( in the backend, click on Admin and then click on Default CSS ).

Once there you have a text box containing all the main CSS classes.

The way I do it is selecting all the CSS classes, copy and paste in a HTML/CSS editor (mine is Dreamweaver), change the value I want, then copy and paste back to the backend.

This procedure is easier if you want to use your HTML/CSS in order to change the value of each class (for example, it's easier to figure out the colors value)

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 19:15
by culda_a
Ok I got that... but I want to know if I can change only a few links with a secific color that I want will be great if it will be possible to do that from the FKeditor ... to select the link and to go to pick a color and to be apply to that link.

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 19:25
by terry_b
Yes you can change few links with a specific color by using their own class.

The first code I entered in my first response is for changing all the links that don't have a CSS class.

If you want to change a few links color, then you have to create your own class (see the code in my first response) and apply that personalized class to those links.

That would be great to change those in FKEditor but that is the reason why I am using my HTML/CSS editor in order to pick the color and other CSS tags.



Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 21:00
by culda_a
OK BUT :roll: is there a way to overite the CSS when from FKeditor I select a link and I give a color from the color pic list?

Posted: Tue 8. Aug 2006, 21:08
by terry_b
I don't understand what you are trying to do.

It is possible to create a CSS class in the frontend.css and use this class everywhere in your site (even in the articles).

So the way to do it is creating the class and click on the Source code in FKEditor and insert the class="yourclassname" everywhere you want.

Hope that it helps.


Posted: Wed 9. Aug 2006, 00:41
by culda_a
Ok I understand what you mean ... but the ideea is to do it more simple ...for example for a user that have no Ideea how to work with CSS and to do all this stuf... for him will be mor simple if just select the link (highlight) and then to say ... this link has color green (selecting from the color picker of the FKeditor).

I hope now I make myself clear of what I want to say
