Extracting vbulletin info on main page.

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Posts: 21
Joined: Sun 25. Jun 2006, 23:45

Extracting vbulletin info on main page.

Post by ceint »


I found a script that let's you place "last posts" etc on your website.

Does anyone know I can get the below to work on my site. Not found a way to implement this correctly with phpWCMS.

Code: Select all

How To Use vBExternal:

First the webpage you use it on must be php, if it is .htm/.html just re-name the extension to .php
Next step is to call the file, in this example we assume that your site is: http://hello.com, and your
forum is located at: http://hello.com/forums, so insert this code at the very top of our php file:


(Be sure to change 'forums' to your folder name)
Now you have loaded the vBExternal system onto your webpage, ready to include information from your forum onto
your webpage!

# Displaying Newest Members


# Change '5' to the amount you want to show

# Displaying Top Posters


# Change '5' to the amount you want to show

# Displaying Newest Threads


# Change '5' to the amount you want to show
# Change '1,2,3' to the forum ids you want to pull
# news from (leave blank to pull from all forums)

# Displaying Newest Replies


# Change '5' to the amount you want to show
# Change '1,2,3' to the forum ids you want to pull
# news from (leave blank to pull from all forums)

# Displaying News


# Change '5' to the amount you want to show
# Change '4' to the forum id you want to pull
# news from (must be set - only 1 forum id allowed)

# Displaying Users Online


# There are no parameters for this function
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun 25. Jun 2006, 23:45


Post by ceint »

Does anyone know how to get the latest posts from vbulletin to show in the main page?
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun 25. Jun 2006, 23:45


Post by ceint »

anyone done this before?
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