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Whole website springs - depending if long article or short

Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 10:53
by Rupert
Hello All,

I have another question. The solution is not so important, but I'm wondering, whats happening and why, because this strange thing occurs on all my webpages made with phpWCMS.

If you see this page:

and switch then to this page: ... hwerpunkte

you see, that the whole webpage springs from right to left for about 15px.
The reason is, that the first page is very short and the second longer.... When I switch between pages, which are long too, this spring (or move) doesn't occurs. Only from long to short or back.

Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 11:07
by flip-flop
Hi Rupert,
that isn´t a phpWCMS-problem it is browser typically. Using an IE you don´t see this "springs". There you have a permanent slider at the right.
For FF insert at your frontend.css

Code: Select all

body {
	height: 101%
This will produced a permanent slider at the right in FF.

regards Knut

Thank you!

Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 11:16
by Rupert
Thank you very, very much for the fast answer! :D

.... and yes, it works!

wow, what for a problem. And I thought, that is a problem of my code :roll:

Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 22:49
by Klappstuhl28
This is another topic of what is called "browserkrieg".
In IE as knut worte the scrollbar is permanently shown. In FF it
is generated "on demand" - when the page/content
is bigger then the viewable area. The width of the
scrollbar is deducted from the whole width and so
it jumps.

The solution with css doesn´t look that good
but it´s the only one to "enchain" the FF.

Oh Lord, would you buy me...
something like a mercedes-benz-browser.


Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 10:11
by Rupert
hmm. Strange, the solution with CSS worked.
BUT, in Version 2.8 it doesn't work anymore?
Could it be, that because 2.8 generates XHTML, this workaround doesn't work anymore?

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 10:48
by flip-flop
min-height: 100.1%;


Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 10:54
by pico

min-height: 100.01%;

works better - it didn't jump a little up and down when using a Wheel-Mouse

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 10:58
by Rupert

thank you for the FAST answers!

I put this in the frontend.css:
body {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
min-height: 100.01%

... but it doesn't work? Whats wrong?

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 11:07
by pico

if your Layout is Table-Based set the Mark 'disable at 'margin' Row and
set Margins etc in the body-Class like:

Code: Select all

  body {
    min-height: 100.01%;	
    color: #282F42;
    background-color: #C1D2E2;
and check that you haven't two body-Classes in your frontend.css or somewhere else

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 11:24
by Rupert
I changed it now in my frontend.css to this:

Code: Select all

body {
    min-height: 100.01%;   	
    font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: #282F42;
    background-color: #C1D2E2;
    background: url( repeat;
Two Questions:
- still the min-height doesn't work
- how it is possible, that the background Image is only repeated from left to right and below comes a color (because its looking very strange, if its repeated). Just have a look:

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 11:36
by pico
background-repeat: repeat-x;

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 11:44
by flip-flop
Schau mal hier:

Code: Select all

www .mz.ja-nek .de/test6_css.phtml

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 11:59
by pico

once again - is still in
if your Layout is Table-Based set the Mark 'disable at 'margin' Row

and make your Site a little smaler - not everybody has a 1280*1024 Screen ;)

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 12:09
by Rupert
to flip-flop:
wow, thank you, this site is helpful!

to pico

I disabled "margin" Row. (Please have a look in the picture).
Furthermore, I looked if there is somewhere a second body tag... neither.
And, the CSS worked till Version 2.6 (only in Version 2.8 the height or min-heigt command doesn't work)


My site has the width 1024 (after analyzing the weblog, I saw, that 92% have a solution 1024*768 or bigger!).

Posted: Wed 6. Sep 2006, 12:18
by pico
clear all fields Farbe, Text, Link, besucht and aktiv

in HTML-Code this must be away

Code: Select all

  <style type="text/css" media="all">
  /* <![CDATA[ */
    body {
      background-color: #FFFFFF;
      color: #000000;
    a, a:link, a:active, a:visited, a:hover { color: #FF9900; }
    a:visited { color: #FF9900; }
    a:active { color: #377a4b; }
  /* ]]> */

on 1024 I have to scrol horizontal - remember that the Browser will not show the full-Size (Border Scrolbar etc. ) so a good with is 980px