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YEAH YEAH!! A roadmap :)

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 12:53
by Kosse

Thank you Oliver, this will clear out things a bit ~I hope~ and you know that if u need help there are a LOT of pple here just waiting for ur call :P


Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 23:29
by spirelli
Does 1.3 include what you would call frontend login, where certain sections can be made available only to logged in visitors? Or is this already in 1.2.7?

Posted: Thu 29. Jun 2006, 07:01
by rushclub
its also in the roadmap. the last two points. but they are not bold. so priority is not highest.


Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 17:34
by Evoplure
Oh, yeah yeah, great, fantastic, the big step we were waiting for is here: a list of 22 points, no date mention, lot of inespecific words (better, new, updated...) and no mention to the long term future... well, maybe this list is the long term future itself :(

Posted: Mon 3. Jul 2006, 19:22
by muj
Evoplure wrote:and no mention to the long term future... well, maybe this list is the long term future itself :(
Judging by experience, this might take a year or so. So I wouldn't start waiting for anything here. That only distracts from getting work done. If you need something that phpwcms does not offer you should pick an alternative straight away - don't wait.
To my minds eye this whole situation will not change unless O Georgi starts heading and firmly directing a developer team.

Even if the next version comes out soon, what about the version after that? This project depends too much on the time constaints and private and professional circumstances of one individual.

The potential of phpwcms is wrecked a bit by slow delvelpment.

Just imagine what could be acheived if some coders were allowed to help...

Posted: Tue 4. Jul 2006, 00:51
by pSouper
Evoplure wrote:and no mention to the long term future... well, maybe this list is the long term future itself :(
muj wrote:Judging by experience, this might take a year or so. So I wouldn't start waiting for anything here.
ease up the those who bring you this FREE csm! If I may be so bold as to sugest that those who have not donated are directly contributing in to a slower development - everyone in the western world need an income and if it can't be found trough this project it MUST be found through others.

Posted: Tue 4. Jul 2006, 03:08
by terry_b
Well said pSouper!

I 100% agree with you. PHPWCMS is free. It's so easy to blame what is wrong, why this, why that...

If Oliver doesn't want anybody else to work on the script than he should have his own good reason and we should all respect that.

Oliver explained to us why there was no update at all for a long period. Now he is working full time on the script.

Instead of bashing on everything, stay positive and encourage Oliver. Donate or click on those sponsor links is already a good start for helping out.

I am sending out my second donation right now.



Posted: Tue 4. Jul 2006, 11:27
by Evoplure
Well, first of all I am sorry if at any moment it seemed I was blaming OG. The only thing I have to say to OG is thank you and congratulations.
terry_b wrote:If Oliver doesn't want anybody else to work on the script than he should have his own good reason and we should all respect that.
Well, fortunately GPL license gives us permission not only to use the code, but to modify it as well.

In the open source scene there are two ways to collaborate with a project, the first one is with money, and the second one is working and helping in the code (in other words: dedicating a portion of time that is economically valuable as well). If OG and some of us prefers the first one it's OK, but I personally prefer the second one. I am sure that this is not the case of OG, but money could make the development of an application slower: if you your are receiving a good money working slow you could prefer delay after delay while your account receives more and more money. Free money is not an incentive itself in many cases... But I repeat: I am sure this is not the case of OG (who surely is not getting rich with the donations), I am just talking about a thing that for me is just a question of principles.

Unfortunately at this moment I am not a PHP developer, but I am learning PHP as fast as I can. I am creating spanish documentation and making usability reports... I will begin the release of these materials in the next few months if possible...

When I talk about this personal effort I am trying to justify my demand for improving the group dynamic and the community integration in order to make the develope of PHPWCMS faster. I would like to have a better frame in which our collective work does not seem to be useless or wasted. That's all. That means more collaboration, communication and integration...

There are three common situations when the developement of an open source CMS is not fast or good enough: (a.) a new branch appears based on the old, with with some new features, new support, new roadmap etc. (b.) It goes private: if some developers find it better not to share their work) (c) It stagnates and dies: if some developers find it better not to keep on working with it and the core group or person leaves the project (as frequently happens)

I hope none of these cases is the future of PHPWCMS

Posted: Wed 5. Jul 2006, 15:17
by pSouper
Evoplure wrote:There are three common situations when the developement of an open source CMS is not fast or good enough: (a.) a new branch appears based on the old, with with some new features, new support, new roadmap etc. (b.) It goes private: if some developers find it better not to share their work) (c) It stagnates and dies: if some developers find it better not to keep on working with it and the core group or person leaves the project (as frequently happens)
you have articulated your responce well and I concurr with many of your points.

My post was to stem any decent into "developer bashing" as so many posts on so many forums tend to do. I would however say that your questions and concerns are valid and you should remain free to post them here.

Although not speaking on behalf of OG nor even pretending to have his ear on such matters but I can see a very valid reason based inth e three points you mention above that led me to think OG's carefull inclusion/exclusion of third party mods and rt's is precisely to prevent those situations from arising through a repid expansion of a project whos core remains in flux. once a stable and flexable core has been developed I would imagine thirdyparty mods would be free flowing (by which time I don't think they would even need to be released in the core cms)