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WCMSBlog v0.6 (was Phpwcms Blog Module)

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 12:37
by shiny
Hello everyone. Although it may have seemed that the release of this was apparently scheduled somewhere in between when pigs might fly and just before hell freezes over (i.e. never), I've released version 0.6 of WCMSBlog, which is the blog module I've been hacking away at for Phpwcms for some time.

I've been away for a while due to a heavy workload, but it is clearing up and I'll be back on the scene a bit more now.

It includes some install instructions, but the documentation is admittedly a bit thin. I'll fill it out a bit later on, but I wanted to get this out there so that people can at least play with it and know that it's not vaporware and that I'm not some greedy git who keeps it all to himself :)

Features include:
- Multiple Blogs
- {BLOG} reptag for inclusion in pages
- Per-blog preferences
- E-Mail blog comment notifications
- User permissions on blogs
- RSS support (multi-blog or single)
- Comment manager (thanks to mikepkp17 :D ) to easily delete comments
- Full backend integration as a module


Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 12:38
by Fulvio Romanin
ggggiiiiieeeeeaaaahhhh bwwoooooooy! :D

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 12:40
by shiny
Fulvio Romanin wrote:ggggiiiiieeeeeaaaahhhh bwwoooooooy! :D
Nurse! The screens! :shock:

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 16:09
by miershpedankl

Re: WCMSBlog v0.6 (was Phpwcms Blog Module)

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 18:47
by mikepkp17
shiny wrote: - Comment manager (thanks to a guy on the forums whose name I've forgotten - sorry :( ) to easily delete comments
Well, I am happy to see my part is still in there (and still working) ;-)

Re: WCMSBlog v0.6 (was Phpwcms Blog Module)

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 19:01
by shiny
mikepkp17 wrote:
shiny wrote: - Comment manager (thanks to a guy on the forums whose name I've forgotten - sorry :( ) to easily delete comments
Well, I am happy to see my part is still in there (and still working) ;-)
Sure is ;) Credit where it's due! Thanks very much for your help.

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 19:09
by juergen
Shiny and Co.,

thanks a lot for sharing your hard work!

Posted: Wed 28. Jun 2006, 22:59
by DeXXus


Posted: Thu 29. Jun 2006, 17:44
by ceint
I am getting this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_gt_by_style() in /home/jreplysy/public_html/phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render/blog.module.php(214) : regexp code on line 1

Any suggestions?

Posted: Thu 29. Jun 2006, 17:49
by mikepkp17
you have to enable gt_mod in

Posted: Thu 29. Jun 2006, 18:07
by ceint
Thank you :D

Working great now!

IE Problem?!?!

Posted: Sat 1. Jul 2006, 06:58
by Guru
Hey you work is greatly appreciated!!!
Fine work dudes keep it up.

This is a great step for phpWCMS...I think the level of the greatness of this script was increased by my agenda :))

Anyways it has a slight problem.

Add comment doesn't show correctly if CSS is rendered in Internet Explorer.

Any hacks for that?!

would be Much appreciated!



Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 20:42
by shiny
Anyways it has a slight problem.

Add comment doesn't show correctly if CSS is rendered in Internet Explorer.

Any hacks for that?!
Yes. You need to hack your index.php and include an XHTML !DOCTYPE to the top of your document, to force IE to render the page in standards-compliant mode.

If you don't, then IE6 won't render 0px high elemnt properly and this can cause problems with the display.

Sorry I didn't mention this earlier.

Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 21:22
by Ati
For example ?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//DE" "">

I copied it from Shiny source :oops: :D

Posted: Sun 2. Jul 2006, 21:50
by shiny
Ati wrote:For example ?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//DE" "">

I copied it from Shiny source :oops: :D
Oooh, you scamp. ;) Yeah, that's the one :D