2 Simple Scripts For Image-Gallery And Banner-Rotation

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2 Simple Scripts For Image-Gallery And Banner-Rotation

Post by wingover »


I made 2 simple scripts.
- a gallery-script
- a banner-rotation-script

Nothing special, but working well and easy.
Samples of both scripts are here: http://surfclub-bernau.de

The Gallery-Script

Put the code in a php-file, for example 'gallery.php'.
You can call the script from a content-part with:

If you have installed my PHP-SCRIPTS-MOD, you can add a new Script from the backend, copy the code and call it like {SCRIPT:gallery.php}
Here you can find the PHP-SCRIPTS-MOD.

Put the images in a folder, thumbnails are generated by the script.
Edit the parameters in the 'gallery.php'.

Code: Select all


// a simple gallery-script for phpwcms
// gdlib 2 is required for generating thumbnails
// save the script somewhere in a php-file, for example 'gallery.php'
// include it with the right path in a content-part (for example) like: [PHP]include("stuff/scripts/gallery.php");[/PHP] //
// put your images in a folder, thumbnails will be generated by the script
// if you call your gallery with '&generatethumbs' at the end of your path, all thumbnails will be generated new
// if you call your gallery with '&deletethumbs' at the end of your path, all thumbnails will be deleted
// Andi Platen, 02.06.2006, www.wireframe.de|www.gleitschirm-taxi.de|www.mountain-panorama.com

// ------- edit the parameters to your needs -------------------------- //

$dirName = 'stuff/upload/gallery'; // path to your gallery images
$border_style = 'border:solid 2px #666666'; // style of image borders
$galPageClass = 'gal_page_select'; // class for page-select
$pageSelector = ' | ';
$backLink = 'back'; // title of the back-link
$thumbWidth = 120; // thumbnail width
$thumbHeight = 60; // thumbnail height
$imageSpaceH = 10; // horizontal space between images
$imageSpaceV = 10; // vertical space between images
$maxColumns = 5; // number of columns
$maxRows = 3; // number of rows pro page
$thumb_quality = 90; // thumbnail quality

// ------- end edit --------------------------------------------------- //

$form_action = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$form_action = $form_action[0];
$form_action = str_replace('&', '&', $form_action);
$form_action = 'index.php?' . $form_action;

$pageSel = $_REQUEST['pageSel'];
	$pageSel = 1;

	$show_big = $dirName . '/' . $_REQUEST['big'] . '.jpg';
	$big_size = getimagesize($show_big);

	$pages = $_REQUEST['pages'];
	if($pages > 1)
		$i = 1;
		while($i < $pages + 1)
			if($i == $pageSel)
				echo '<a class="' . $galPageClass . '" href="' . $form_action . '&pageSel=' . $i . '"><b>' . $i . '</b></a>';
				echo '<a class="' . $galPageClass . '" href="' . $form_action . '&pageSel=' . $i . '">' . $i . '</a>';
			if($i < $pages)
				echo $pageSelector;
		echo '<br /><br />';

	echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td style="' . $border_style . '"><a href="' . $form_action . '&pageSel=' . $pageSel . '"><img src="' . $show_big . '" ' . $big_size[3] . ' border="0" alt="' . $_REQUEST['big'] . '" /></a></td>
		<td>[ <a href="' . $form_action . '&pageSel=' . $pageSel . '">' . $backLink . '</a> ]</td>
	$thumbs = array();
	$bigs = array();

	$dirList = opendir($dirName);
	while($file_big = readdir($dirList))
		if($file_big != '.' && $file_big != '..' && substr($file_big, 0, 5) != 'thumb')
      		$big_size = getimagesize($dirName . '/' . $file_big);
    		$file_thumb = $file_big;
    		$file_thumb = 'thumb_' . $file_big;

    		if(!file_exists($dirName . '/' . $file_thumb) || isset($_REQUEST['generatethumbs']))
    			$gd_image  = imagecreatefromjpeg($dirName . '/' . $file_big);
    			$new_picture = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight);
    			imagecopyresampled($new_picture, $gd_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $big_size[0], $big_size[1]);
    			imagejpeg($new_picture, $dirName . '/' . $file_thumb, $thumb_quality);

       	 	array_push($bigs, $dirName . '/' . $file_big);
      	 	array_push($thumbs, $dirName . '/' . $file_thumb);

  	  	if(isset($_REQUEST['deletethumbs']) && substr($file_big, 0, 5) == 'thumb')
    		unlink($dirName . '/' . $file_big);

	$bigs = array_values($thumbs);

	// start pages //
	$pages = ceil(count($thumbs) / ($maxRows * $maxColumns));
	if($pages > 1)
		$i = 1;
		while($i < $pages + 1)
			if($i == $pageSel)
				echo '<a class="' . $galPageClass . '" href="' . $form_action . '&pageSel=' . $i . '"><b>' . $i . '</b></a>';
				echo '<a class="' . $galPageClass . '" href="' . $form_action . '&pageSel=' . $i . '">' . $i . '</a>';
			if($i < $pages)
				echo $pageSelector;
		echo '<br /><br />';
	$aktPageStart = (($pageSel - 1) * $maxColumns) * $maxRows;
	$aktPageStop = $aktPageStart + $maxRows * $maxColumns;
	if($aktPageStop > count($thumbs))
		$aktPageStop = count($thumbs);
	// stop pages //

	echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';

	$i = $aktPageStart;
	while($i < $aktPageStop)
		echo '<tr>';

		$k = 1;
		while($k <= $maxColumns)
			if($i + $k < 10)
				$imageSel = '00' . ($i + $k);
			else if ($i + $k < 100)
				$imageSel = '0' . ($i + $k);

			$bild[$k] = $thumbs[$i + $k - 1];
			$bild_name = str_replace($dirName . '/' . 'thumb_','',$bild[$k]);
			$bild_name = str_replace('.jpg','',$bild_name);
			$link[$k] = $form_action . '&pages=' . $pages . '&pageSel=' . $pageSel . '&big=' . $bild_name;
			$insertImage = '<td style="' . $border_style . '"><a href="' . $link[$k] . '"><img src="' . $bild[$k] . '" width="' . $thumbWidth . '" height="' . $thumbHeight . '" border="0" alt="' . $bild_name . '" /></a></td>';

			if(!$thumbs[$i + $k - 1])
				$insertImage = '<td>&nbsp;</td>';

			echo $insertImage;
			if($k < $maxColumns)
				echo '<td style="width:' . $imageSpaceH . 'px">&nbsp;</td>';


		echo '</tr>';

		if($i < count($thumbs) - $maxColumns)
			echo '<tr>
				<td colspan="' . ($maxColumns * 2 - 1) . '" style="height:' . $imageSpaceV . 'px; line-height:0px;">&nbsp;</td>

		$i += $maxColumns;

	echo '</table>';


The Banner-Script

New: I made a banner-mod - you can find it here:

But of course, you can use this script ;-)

Put the code in a php-file, for example 'banner.php'.
You can call the script from your template or from a content-part with:

Some Features:
banner-rotation, click-counter, impression-counter, max. clicks, active/inactive...

Read the instructions and set the parameters.
The Banner-Statistic of the 'surfclub-site' can be seen with this link:
http://www.surfclub-bernau.de/surfclubc ... annerstats

Code: Select all


// a simple banner-rotation-script for phpwcms
// save the script somewhere in a php-file, for example 'banner.php'
// include it in your template or in a content-part (for example) like: [PHP]include("stuff/scripts/banner.php");[/PHP] //
// put your banner-images in a folder
// $banner_file: path (with name) to your banner-script
// $banner_path: path to the banner-images
// $banner_alt: alt-tag of the banner-images
// $banner_empty: will be shown, all banners inactive or reached the click-limit
// $banner_count: if 1, your 'banner.php' file must be writeable, because the count of impressions and clicks will be written in this file
// $banner_stats: if you call your bannerscript directly with $banner_stats like '?bannerstats', a banner-statistic will be shown
// image: name of the banner-image
// link: url for the click
// active: 0 or 1, when all banners inactive, $banner_empty will be shown
// bought_clicks: number of maximal clicks, if 0 there is no limit
// clicks: number of clicks
// impressions: number of impressions
// Andi Platen, 03.06.2006, www.wireframe.de|www.gleitschirm-taxi.de|www.mountain-panorama.com

// ------- edit the parameters to your needs -------------------------- //

$banner_file = 'stuff/scripts/banner.php';
$banner_path = 'stuff/images/banner/';
$banner_alt = 'click to open';
$banner_empty = '[ Like to see your Banner here...? ]';
$banner_stats = 'bannerstats';
$banner_count = 0;

// banner 1 //
$banner[1]['image'] = 'wireframe.jpg';
$banner[1]['link'] = 'http://www.wireframe.de';
$banner[1]['active'] = 1;
$banner[1]['bought_clicks'] = 0;
$banner[1]['clicks'] = 0;
$banner[1]['impressions'] = 0;
// banner 1 //

// banner 2 //
$banner[2]['image'] = 'gleitschirm_taxi.jpg';
$banner[2]['link'] = 'http://www.gleitschirm-taxi.de';
$banner[2]['active'] = 1;
$banner[2]['bought_clicks'] = 0;
$banner[2]['clicks'] = 0;
$banner[2]['impressions'] = 0;
// banner 2 //

// ------- end edit --------------------------------------------------- //

$banner_tmp = $banner;

	foreach($banner as $key => $value)
		foreach($banner[$key] as $a => $b)
			echo '<b>' . $a . ': <span style=color:#FF0000;>' . $banner[$key][$a] . '</span></b><br>';
		echo '<br>';

	$banner_number = $_REQUEST['banner'];

	header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
	header('Location: '. $banner[$banner_number]['link']);
	countplus('clicks', $banner_file, $banner_count, $banner_number);

if($banner_count == 1)
	foreach($banner_tmp as $key => $value)
		if($banner_tmp[$key]['active'] == 0 || ($banner_tmp[$key]['bought_clicks'] != 0 && $banner_tmp[$key]['clicks'] >= $banner_tmp[$key]['bought_clicks']))
	foreach($banner_tmp as $key => $value)
		if($banner_tmp[$key]['active'] == 0)

	$banner_number = array_rand($banner_tmp);

	$banner_img = $banner_path . $banner_tmp[$banner_number]['image'];
	$banner_data = getimagesize($banner_img);
	echo '<a href="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&banner=' . $banner_number . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $banner_img . '" ' . $banner_data[3] . ' border="0" alt="' . $banner_alt . '"></a>';
	countplus('impressions', $banner_file, $banner_count, $banner_number);
	echo $banner_empty;

// function: count impressions and clicks //
function countplus($countvalue, $banner_file, $banner_count, $banner_number)
	if($banner_count == 1)
		$inhalt = file($banner_file);
		foreach($inhalt as $key => $value)
			$count_tmp = explode(' = ', $inhalt[$key]);
			if($count_tmp[0] == '$banner[' . $banner_number . '][\'' . $countvalue . '\']')
				$count_tmp[1] = str_replace(';', '', $count_tmp[1]);
				$count_tmp[1] = $count_tmp[1] + 1;
				$inhalt[$key] = $count_tmp[0] . ' = ' . $count_tmp[1] . ";\n";

			$schreiben .= $inhalt[$key];

		$file = fopen($banner_file, 'w+');
		fwrite($file, $schreiben);
// function: count impressions and clicks //

Vol Libre - der Traum vom freien Fliegen
Faszination Berge
Posts: 16
Joined: Fri 22. Jun 2007, 17:28


Post by bepposun »

and easy this script and it works great. I wonder how you realised the lightbox option on your (surfclub) page. Is the code available?
I'm also looking for the possibility to read out exif or even better IPTC data and put it as comment below the picture.

Anybody realised something like that?

Posts: 16
Joined: Fri 22. Jun 2007, 17:28


Post by bepposun »

I can partly answer the question myself. This should be possible using the iptcparse function.

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