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Could phpW be configured to do this?

Posted: Fri 26. May 2006, 04:44
by Infect The System
I have used phpw a few times on sites so i know it pretty well. But i just can't figure out if i could make a site act in this maner.

Basically it would be an life insurance agent booking website.

Insurance agents would use this form to book an insurance examiner to go to potential clients homes to take their blood and stuff of that nature. Then an appropriate insurance examiner would need to receive an email from the insurance company with all the contact details of the potential client.

Then the insurance examiner would do what they need to do, and then fill out another form sending the results back to the insurance company.

Now those 2 things arent that difficult to do using forms. But i would like to include some kind of history in the website. So that both insurance company and insurance examiner would be able to see their past clients.

Also, i would really love to be able to have seperate login areas for insurance company and insurance examiner. I.E. The insurance companies have their special section that is only for them, and then insurance examiners have a special section that is only for them.

So does anyone have a bright ideas on how i could acomplish all this?



Posted: Wed 5. Jul 2006, 00:26
by pSouper
this is not possible with phpwcms without writting you own mod to do so.
I would even say that I would not think that this script is even a cms issue - imho it is closer to a support ticket system in different clothing. thier are a number of these type of ticket tracking systems around and although none are integrated into phpwcms most are reasonable simple to template to look like a seemless part of your phpwcms website.

phpticket may be worth a look as it is free, simple and very easy to template how you see fit.

Posted: Tue 26. Sep 2006, 19:37
by Hero
*pls delete post*