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Webpage shows only, when I'm logged in the Backend as admin

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 00:30
by Rupert

I have the Problem, that my Page doesn't shows up (not in Firefox nor in Internet Explorer).
But when I log in as administrator in the Backend, my Webpage shows up (but only in this browser, where I'm logged in... so, when I'm logged in as webmaster in Firefox, I can see the webpages, in Internet Explorer not).

I already searched the Forum and tried the solutions I found.
I put in the Template in the Header Section this code:

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
and I looked, if the Webpage compression is really switched off

Code: Select all

$phpwcms["compress_page"]     = 0;
Everything, what helped other people, I tried.... but I didn't worked for me! Now I'm really hopeless!

Please, could anybody help me??? Thank you!

You can find the Webpage here:

If you want login and analyze my code:
user: webmaster
pw: Rupert

.... und ich freue mich über jede Antwort, ob in Deutsch oder in Englisch

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 14:18
by Kulinarisk
Have you made your page visible/public in the backend?

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 14:21
by Rupert

yes of course. You can find it here:

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 14:28
by Kulinarisk
In the admin section you have ticked off the visible for backend users only(index page is all I have looked at). Try removing this. This should solve your problem. I think this feature is for the later implementation of back/frontend users - that should come with the much anticipated vers 1.3

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 14:52
by Ati
Hello Rubert,
I had the same Problem, please load up all the PHP files in the binary mode of your FTP Client.
It should be enough if you reload the inlude folder. But watch out don't overwrite the inc_css.
or you have to rebulid your System.

Maybe it works....

or not @t the professionals? :P

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 14:54
by Rupert
thank you for your answer! I tried it and unchecked it, but it still doesn't show s any page!?

Very strange.

Posted: Tue 23. May 2006, 09:29
by Rupert
Hello Ati,

what I don't understand: if my FTP client made something wrong, WHY I can see the pages perfectly, if I'm logged in as webmaster?


Posted: Wed 24. May 2006, 12:00
by Rupert
I tried different things with Trial and Error (and yes, I updated the whole phpwcms again on the FTP with "Binary". But that didn't solve the Problem!

The Problem is: GT_MOD!

After I disabled it in the conf file, everything worked as designed, but I don't have the nice headlines.
When I enable it, I can see the nice headlines and my websites, but only, when I'm logged in in the backend as webmaster.

It seems, that there is a BUG in GT_MOD

It's so strange, I have the same problem again

Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 15:44
by Rupert
Hello All,

I have the same problem again with another webspace:

I can only see the Webcontent, when I'm logged in in the Backend.
I have Version 1.2.7 PHPwcms installed.

In my other website, I deactivated GT_Mod, afterwards it worked. In this Case, this solution didn't helped!
I can't see my website... what shall I do? Any Ideas.
I made a lot of websites with PHPwcms, but I have this problems only with 1und1. I don't know, what I shall do know.