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Change Guestbook Layout

Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 14:19
by _sarah
hej guys.

i'm changing my guestbook, so that it looks like a comment box. now i was wondering, where to change the code, to have the comments above the entry form. all i try does not work. i changed the cnt18.article, the default.html and had a look at the act.guestbook, but didnt find anything.

could somebody help me out?

would it also be possible, to click on a link first like "add a comment" to get the entry form?



Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 14:32
by Stim

Have you look at phpwcms_template/inc_cntpart/guestbook/default.html ?!

Maybe something there to changing?

Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 14:46
by _sarah

i changed the order of the stuff. the "<!--GUESTBOOK_ENTRY_START//-->" comes before "<!--FORM_START//-->". i thought this might change the look, but it does not work.

i think one php file must configure this order. (?) but i didnt find it.

Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 17:13
by _sarah

now i discovered this :

how does this comment feature work? am i this blind, that i can't find it by searching the backend and forum?

thanks for your help.

Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 17:23
by flip-flop
Hi _sarah,

I do not understand: "Wo finde ich fertige Templates" = :?: :?:

Gruß Knut

Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 17:38
by _sarah
how does this comment feature work? am i this blind, that i can't find it by searching the backend and forum?
under the text is one comment, and a link to post a new.
i just want to know how it works. is it a content part? modified?

Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 17:47
by flip-flop
A yes I understand.

Sorry, but the FAQ is a special system, not running phpWCMS.
We have it made looks like the docu template.

© 2005 powered by phpMyFAQ 1.6.1

Gruß Knut :D

Posted: Fri 19. May 2006, 18:00
by _sarah
so okay

back to my first question then.

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 09:37
by _sarah
hm. is there nobody who can help me out?

I too would like to know

Posted: Sat 22. Jul 2006, 04:19
by jsw_nz
Hi _sarah,

The order of elements of the guestbook/comments contentpart is determined inside a given template file - and can be controlled via the replacement tags (internal) for the output. Guessing that OliG did it this way for future expansion, that might include UI for modifying these values.

Open file: phpwcms_template/inc_cntpart/guestbook/default.html
then look at lines 131-146 (dev 127pre):

with tags <!--TAG//-->that call the get_tmpl_section function ()....

so to move the {FORM} to a position below the actual comments you would need to change the order of the rep tags found 'nested' inside the these 'comment' tags.

The default looks like this:

Code: Select all

  {FORM} {NAV}..............code.................
so to move the {FORM} to a position below the comments, you would
simple move the {FORM} Rep Tag: Something like:

Code: Select all

Kind of simple really - did take some time to find. OliG's guestbook code is way advanced.

Hope this helps.

:D -john-