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Dentistry Website Review Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease

Posted: Thu 18. May 2006, 01:46
by TheDesignCoalition
hey everybody! This is my first time posting to the forum but i have been reading it for a long time and love what a wide community the phpwcms has. I love phpwcms and have been playing with it alot on this project. This is my 3rd Site using the cms. let me know what you think. thanks

oh yeah and p.s. if you know any dentists... IT'S FOR SALE!. HAHA

Posted: Thu 18. May 2006, 17:11
by Keppn
Super sweet. It looks very smooth and professional.

Only one thing on the design though:
Since the site is in the end about nice teeth, I would have chosen grey as the background-color and white for the foreground. Just a sublimal difference, but it would look even cleaner and brighter.

A question:
Are the borders in the team-portrait dynamically generated? If so, how? And what menu have you used? I like it a lot!

Posted: Thu 18. May 2006, 17:34
by Ben
Wow - another great site! You have a great sense of design.

As for the rounded corners, you can do it dynamically with Rico (, but this site did it with a background image:


Posted: Thu 18. May 2006, 17:46
by Keppn
Aye Ben, I understood the background-part :)

I just wondered if the uploaded images could be automatically processed in some way... like rounded borders ( ... 63d804.jpg)
or perhaps a watermark or whatever.

It would be very sweet to have some image-alterations made automatically by GD instead of always doing that stuff offline by hand :)

dynamic rounded corners

Posted: Sat 20. May 2006, 20:22
by TheDesignCoalition
the grey boxes with the rounded corners are being placed dynamically because i made them into the .tmpl files . but the portrait ones i am having to do myself. that kinda sucks

Posted: Sun 21. May 2006, 20:00
by Kosse
Very smooth,

design skills and programming .... lethal combination.
Congrats, pleasure for the eye.


Backend Layout Customized

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 22:07
by TheDesignCoalition
check it out everyone. i customized the backend look. (click the admin link at the bottom)

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 22:23
by Nordlicht
Not working under Opera...

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 23:52
by DeXXus
Looks fine in Opera 9.00 Build 8238 :roll:

argh opera!?

Posted: Mon 22. May 2006, 23:57
by TheDesignCoalition
Fixed for Opera. Thanks!