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need help with menu design

Posted: Sun 14. May 2006, 09:00
by ssddgreg

I have a request to website developers. I have never developed menues with CSS in PHPWCMS and I would need help.

I have attached a Print Screen of the menu (on the left side) that I use in the website, but I think it does not suit inside the website.

Can someone suggests me a better proposal as mine? I would appriciate any suggestions.




Posted: Sun 14. May 2006, 11:04
by pepe
Hi dejan,

take the RT {NAV_LIST_ALL}


It's a clean CSS driven vertical menue.... and will fit your needs :wink:

You can put in different backgrounds for the different actions or different hierarchical orders as well :idea:

Posted: Sun 14. May 2006, 11:12
by flip-flop
Hi ssddgreg,

have a look to my very disordered test-drive.
There you can see pepes suggestion in action. (And many more).

Code: Select all

www. mz.ja-nek. de/test2_3_1.phtml
At /test2_6.phtml you can download one of the variant of this script and the css file.

Gruß Knut