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In Relation to the blog thing

Posted: Tue 2. Mar 2004, 23:05
by bobd314
I just downloaded the blog thingy from
and I have no clue how to get it to work, I updated mysql, uploaded all files.. but dont see any changes.. should I?

Posted: Tue 2. Mar 2004, 23:58
by pSouper
hi bobd - do you mind if i call you bobd, bobd314 seems so formal ;)

I've not tried this blog thing yet and even though I'm perfectly happy to answer any/all questions phpwcms related if i can, I am not so sure that ANY hacks will be supported in this forum. hope to be proved wrong as
it's not my personal choice but that expressed by more convincing humans than I.

I guess [like it or not] we should pm the author for a clearer understanding of thier hack.

ofcourse, unless some is to report otherwise.....