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Error when try to create NEW FOLDER in Archive manager

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 14:08
by AM

I'm running v.1.2.6

I get a FORBBIDEN error page when I try to create a new folder from Backend in Archive manager.

Error says "You don't have permission to access /phpwcms.php on this server".

Anyway, I can upload pictures to root or previous existing folders with no problem.

The error is triggered when $_GET['mkdir'] is send to phpwcms.php.

Anyone have an idea....

Thanks... :roll:

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 15:22
by flip-flop
Hi AM,

you have setup the correct permissons like this?

Gruß Knut

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 15:57
by AM
Yes, I did.

I have access with no problems to phpwcms.php with all functions in's only when I try to create a new folder in Archive when I get the Forbbiden error page "You don't have permission to access /phpwcms.php on this server".
???? It seems the error come from :

Code: Select all

if(isset($_GET["mkdir"]) || (isset($_POST["dir_aktion"]) && intval($_POST["dir_aktion"]) == 1) ) include_once ("include/inc_tmpl/files.private.newdir.tmpl.php");
in phpwcms.php.

Even the edit folder function in archive (for existing folders) work OK. Only when create new folder fail.

I'm turning crazy...(a little bit more) :shock:


Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 16:54
by flip-flop

I don´t know about "Archiv" or is it the file center?
For file center you need at /phpwcms_filestorage/ the two folders
/phpwcms_filestorage/can_be_deleted (777)
/phpwcms_filestorage/.thumbs (777)

But the error don´t describe a physical folder, it´s a virtual one at your DB.

Sounds like a corrupt file.
Please reupload the folder /include/inc_tmpl/

Gruß Knut

Posted: Wed 3. May 2006, 09:39
by AM
The problem keep...
I don´t know about "Archiv" or is it the file center?
Yes, I'm talking about the file center.
/phpwcms_filestorage/can_be_deleted (777)
/phpwcms_filestorage/.thumbs (777)
This is also OK

And, yes I think is not a problem of folder you say is at the database.

And the Forbidden message is for the phpwcms.php file itself, that was working OK until I call that especific function.

I have reloaded the folder include , complet, and the problem keep here...


Thanks flip-flop