Images in navigation RepTags?

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Images in navigation RepTags?

Post by agemmell »

Hello helpful phpwcms people!

Does anyone know if it's possible for me to make the following navigation bar on my site using RepTags? (see link to image below)


Ideally I would like to have:

1) the page names change depending on the category title - so if I was to change the category title "About Me" to read "Home" instead the navbar image would automatically update (e.g. using the GT mod?).

2) the numbers "01", "02", "03" on each navbar button to increase automatically if I add more pages (possibly output the category ID number??)

I'm thinking I might just have to give up and do it manually. i.e. create the images for each button and put an "internal link" reptag around the image in my templates. And if I have to change or add any buttons then I must add a new image and link manually.

Any ideas? Thanks for your help.

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