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no Valid HTML

Posted: Thu 20. Apr 2006, 17:23
by SNap

when i validate my site under construction...

i get following errors:

Code: Select all

# Error  Line 20 column 91: there is no attribute "BACKGROUND".

...h="850" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" background="images/bg_all2.gif" align="center">

# Error Line 22 column 50: there is no attribute "BACKGROUND".

<td colspan="4" style="height:287px;"  background="images/bg_top2.gif">&nbsp;</td>
i defined these backgrounds in layout just normally...

Is it possible that i am missing a closing tag or something?


Posted: Thu 20. Apr 2006, 17:41
by cyrano
Hi Snap,

as is know right the right semantic css format is:

Code: Select all

To get all this right i do working now only with DIVS and definitions in frontend.css.

May be this helps you to get further.

You might create a class for background like ".background-main" and
define then this in frontend.css like:

Code: Select all

.background-main {
     repeat: no-repeat;

Posted: Thu 20. Apr 2006, 20:48
by Klappstuhl28
Hi SNap,

same old story with validation. The tipp from
cyrano should solve the problem. Validation
is really funny so in former times you haven´t
a valid when you just forgot to set an alt="blah"
in an image-tag. Or just forget to close
something. No browser will care about this now!
Maybe in a future-time.

The W3C here and browser-developer there.

So, i don´t care about validation (don´t take me
as an example
) but the browser have a really
high error-tolerance that this error makes me

Anyway, good luck

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 09:02
by pico

this is wrong
style="height:287px;" background="images/bg_top2.gif">

change to
style="height:287px; background-image:url(images/bg_top2.gif)">

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 09:08
by flip-flop
the same at this line:
<td colspan="4" style="height: 32px;" background="images/bg_bottom2.gif">

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 15:35
by SNap
hi flip-flop, pico,

you don't got me right ;) i cannot change that, since phpwcms is generating that ;) i just entered the pic in the picture field in layout ;)

don't have that at my other phpwcms sites...

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 15:47
by flip-flop
You are right.
A little workaround: Create a class and insert - background="images/bg_bottom2.gif" - into.
The class you entered in the class field in layout.

Gruß Knut

This might be seen as a problem

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 16:02
by olleolleolle
I think default settings (or templates, or examples, or stuff that comes with a project) that aren't valid HTML are problematic.

What can a user do about the situation?

Is there an Oliver-approved way of submitting code patches for phpwcms?

kind regards,

Re: This might be seen as a problem

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 16:16
by Kosse
olleolleolle wrote:I think default settings (or templates, or examples, or stuff that comes with a project) that aren't valid HTML are problematic.
If we talk about a "clean new phpwcms package" then the content parts are the big issue... otherwise many times users make their own mistakes :P
olleolleolle wrote: What can a user do about the situation?
re-write all the content parts :? and make them valid...
means going through A LOT of code lines... replacing all HTML declarations with valid XHTML outputs... It's a thing for the future, result = css can act better as well.
olleolleolle wrote: Is there an Oliver-approved way of submitting code patches for phpwcms?
kind regards,
dunno about that, we should ask him... ;)


Posted: Sun 23. Apr 2006, 22:04
by Oliver Georgi
Most of the code of phpwcms is valid. Often it's the combination users are using in there templates making problems. The background attribute for td is absolute correct. But to avoid the warning use a CSS class instead.


Posted: Mon 24. Apr 2006, 12:05
by SNap
well it's not a warning, i would ignore that ;) it's an error... when i paste the generated code in dreamweaver for example, it says that alle is ok :-|

Posted: Mon 24. Apr 2006, 13:19
by Oliver Georgi
In my firefox it is a warning. The "background"


Posted: Mon 24. Apr 2006, 13:29
by pepe
Who validates the validators :?: :?:

Posted: Mon 24. Apr 2006, 16:30
by SNap
Oliver Georgi wrote:In my firefox it is a warning. The "background"

Oliver ...

Posted: Mon 24. Apr 2006, 20:50
by Klappstuhl28
Who validates the validators ??

This is exactly the point. It´s very funny to see that meanwhile validation
has some kind of a religous dimension.

i probably gets millions of errors if i would try to validate my page.
i tried it with all normal browsers on all normal systems.
The only fault was mac with IE 4 (mac edition of course)
by the way (don´t take me as a sample). I´m going to clean up
my code either. My goal is to only a few hundredthousand errors.