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Problem with {NAV_LIST_ALL:x}

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 16:32
by _sarah
hej you guys.

i am new in here, and i have a problem, i would like to solve. : ) i am very satisfied in running phpwcms on my server and doin my site with it, but now, i wanted to redesign my site and use the RP-TAG {NAV_LIST_ALL:x}. i added the new php file in the render folder and changed everything to make it work. and it works.

but my problem is that i can't modify that way i would like by changing the css stuff. i want the subnavi floating right to the main navi (attached picture!). but this does not work. i can make it possible that everything is floating left, but do not display blocks for the 1st navi, 2nd, 3rd and so on.

would be great to have it like this

i would be so glad if someone could help me out in solving this.


Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 09:47
by _sarah
so nobody can help me out?

it could also be the NAV_STRUCT RT or something. but i think all of them are made for vertikal or horizontal purposes, not for a mixed one.

Posted: Fri 21. Apr 2006, 11:19
by Kosse
Hi _sarah,

the kind of menu you ask is possible, but you'll have to :
1) search the forum... there are numerous threads about menu's and numerous answers, I think I saw some experimenting on that kinda thing but can't remember where...
2) tweak the css to get it working, but it looks like you need some js too in there (and then maybe not dunno actually...), because the mixed ones as you say are difficult to achieve.


Posted: Wed 26. Apr 2006, 02:32
by flip-flop
Hi _sarah,

have a look (NAV_ANY_LEVEL):

Gruß Knut