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Formmailer-Sprache der automatische Fehler/Erfolgsseite

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 15:56
by jamo

ich habe den formmailer installiert- es klappt auch soweit alles mit dem Mailversand. Jedoch ist die automatische Fehler bzw. Erfolgsmeldung (Seite) komplett in englisch,obwohl das Mailformular selber in deutsch ist. Wo kann ich denn das so ändern, dass die Fehler\Erfolgsmeldung (Seite)
auch in deutsch erscheint.
Ich arbeite mich gerabe erst in phpowcms ein und im Forum habe ich dazu nichts genaues gefunden.

Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen.

Where can I change the language of the automatic. error\success message-site?

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 16:55
by Klappstuhl28
Hi jamo,

i guess you mean/are using the contact form generator?

Anyway, you wrote, that you have installed the "formmailer"?
Do you mean a phpmailer-class? This should be still be installed
with phpwcms. You will find it in your include/inc_ext/-directory.

Have you checked you
you´ll find this:
$phpwcms["default_lang"] = "de"; //default language
normally this should change all the other settings.
This won´t solve your problem, but i would change it either.

It´s possible that you have to change whatever you
are using additional.
If you use the contact form generator, please read this:

You set the name of the field in german so the fields
are in german. The succes/error-stuff is generated
automaticly so it calls the standard-settings and standard
means "english".

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 19:23
by jamo
Hi Klappstuhl28,

sorry !Of course I mean the contact form generator.
Yes, I've checked my conf. inc. php and there I find the correct entry:

$phpwcms["default_lang"] = "de"; //default language

and this is what I've inscribed on the form generator:

IT|vorname|1|Vorname: |40,100||300
IT|nachname|1|Nachname: |40,100||300
IT|email|1|Email: |40,100||300
TA|bemerkung|0|Bemerkung: |20,3||300
SC|country|0|Land: |10,100|DE|300

but the problem remains !

The error (success) message is in english:
Thank you!

Every needed field in form was filled in.
You will get a confirmation message if you have given a valid e-mail address. If you have technical problems please contact the webmaster of this site......etc.

You wrote : The succes/error-stuff is generated
automaticly so it calls the standard-settings and standard
means "english".

I don't understand this. In the directory include\inc_lang\formmailer\
there are the DE_formmailer.error.html and DE_formmailer.success.html ! This is what I want. But what I've got to do?
This can't be the solution:


Please help me ! Thanks for your support !

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 20:16
by Klappstuhl28


doesn´t work?


Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 20:36
by jamo
Klappstuhl 28 you're the best !! It works !! Fantastic !

Thank you !