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Newsletter - Success Message/Erfolgsmeldung

Posted: Wed 12. Apr 2006, 14:31
by burna
once again!

my newsletter works fine, BUT if a user subscribes there isn't a success message on the page that the email-adress was successfully entered into database.

i'm using a html-contentpart where's a email-textfield in it which posts the data to the right article (contentpart) newsletter. if i don't enter a email the correct error message appears.

what am i doing wrong??

also a text is set in the backend!


keiner ne idee?

Posted: Fri 14. Apr 2006, 14:38
by burna
does nobody has any suggestions for me?

hat keiner eine idee an was es da scheitern könnte?

es wäre mir sehr geholfe wenn ich wenigstens wissen würde wo ich ansetzen müsste.

lg, bernhard

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2006, 09:50
by Centrix
The text that show succesful verification or deletion is placed in include/inc_act/act_newsletter.php (if thats what you mean) :)