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Images open in full browser window

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 14:58
by pd
Just upgraded from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6, and it all work fine (what I can tell) except that clickable images now opens in full browser windows with buttons and all :cry:
They used to open perfectly nice in a small, fitted window without any address field ocr buttons. Any idea how I can get this back?

(When clicking on the images I also get "error on page" in the IE message field in the bottom of the browser...)

Sample of source-code around image:

Code: Select all

<a href="image_zoom.php?show=NWRlMTlkNjcwOTA4OTc0MGZjZThiZGEwYmMyOGFkZjcuanBnP3dpZHRoPSI0NzkiIGhlaWdodD0iNDAwIg==" onClick="checkClickZoom();clickZoom('image_zoom.php?show=NWRlMTlkNjcwOTA4OTc0MGZjZThiZGEwYmMyOGFkZjcuanBnP3dpZHRoPSI0NzkiIGhlaWdodD0iNDAwIg==','previewpic','width=479,height=400');return false;" target="_blank"><img src="content/images/b0e8b38aa9a4bfa0bf3d425559f62f68.jpg" width="79" height="66" border="0" class="imagelistimg" alt="red_green_cup_w.jpg"></a>

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 15:23
by pd
Just noticed: on some pages, where the clickable image is put directly into the article "start block", the function remains intact. And there the code around the image is different:

Code: Select all

<a href="image_zoom.php?show=ZjM1MTU5YTI1MTMzZWI0YzgzMjMzZjYzZjEyZmZlMjEuanBnP3dpZHRoPSIzMjAiIGhlaWdodD0iMjQwIg==" onClick="'image_zoom.php?show=ZjM1MTU5YTI1MTMzZWI0YzgzMjMzZjYzZjEyZmZlMjEuanBnP3dpZHRoPSIzMjAiIGhlaWdodD0iMjQwIg==','previewpic','width=320,height=240');return false;" target="_blank"><img src="content/images/3a4a778d7c0204bc960c5874b3f91fd6.jpg" border="0" width="200" height="150" alt="" title=""></a>

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 17:09
by pd
Some progress:
Made a "hard copy" of the html-page generated, changed checkClickZoom();clickZoom to in every image tag and now it works just right.
My problem is that I cannot find the script/page that contains the "checkClickZoom();clickZoom" code so I cannot replace it in the scripts! Anyone knows which file I'm looking for?

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 17:18
by pd
Found the explanation here: ... =clickzoom
flip-flop wrote:Hi Sven,

your frontend.js has lost the part for zooming images:

Code: Select all

var clickZoomImage;
function clickZoom(url,imgname,windowstatus) {,imgname,windowstatus);
	if (window.focus) {
function checkClickZoom() {
	if (clickZoomImage) {
Please check the whole file.

Gruß Knut

Gruß Knut
When I added the lines to frontend.js it all works fine :D

Irgend etwas stimmt doch hier nicht!

Posted: Wed 24. May 2006, 17:43
by kukki
Also, nach meinem Upgrade von 1.2.5 auf 1.2.6 hatte ich dieses Problem ebenfalls. Entweder ist diese Version nicht ganz "sauber" oder es gibt dann überall ein FTP-Problem. Auf meinem lokalen PC sind die frontend.js-Zeilen komplett wie oben beschrieben, nach dem Überspielen aber nicht mehr. Vielleicht ist in diesem File ein nicht lesbares Zeichen, so daß diese Zeilen am Schluß des files einfach weg sind.
Nach dem Einfügen der Zeilen funzt alles wieder! :!:
Da kann mann doch einen dicken Hals kriegen!