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Newsletter - number of subscribers?

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 14:11
Is there any limit to the number of e-mail adresses phpwcms can handle? I have a client that has 50.000+ e-mail adresses that he would like to send newsletters to.
His goal is to have 100.000+ at the end of the year. Is there anything I need to worry about, or can I just import the adresses in phpwcms?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed 5. Apr 2006, 14:42
by rushclub
to much at the moment. if you have access to the conf-files at the server you can set up the timeout of the server. default timeout is 90 seconds.


Posted: Thu 27. Apr 2006, 21:52
by pSouper
I think the itme-out in not an issue - I am sure the newsletter sends out only a few emails then refreshes the connection so as to by pass this restriction.

afaik ther eis now restriction to number of subscribbers out side of the capabilities of mySQL.

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 10:42
by sustia

what is the maximum number of subscribers that phpWCMS can handle with the default server value?
200-300 is too much?

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 10:59
by pSouper
I current;y have 18,000 on one clients list and it is fine - it takes a while to send though ;)

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 11:15
by sustia
pSouper: 18,000 clients? Image

Ok, this it too much for me, thanks for the answer :D

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 11:31
by pSouper
I wish I had 18,000 clients - just one of my clients has 18000 subscribers and most are not even his clients... yet :)

Posted: Tue 2. May 2006, 11:37
by sustia
pSouper wrote:I wish I had 18,000 clients - just one of my clients has 18000 subscribers and most are not even his clients... yet :)
Ah, ok, anyway the number of the subscriber is that :)
I wish you to reach that number :wink: