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Multiple Articles Question - More Link Not Working

Posted: Tue 28. Mar 2006, 19:10
by axelS
Hi all,

Not sure how to phrase this but I would like to get a news section going just like on the phpwcms site. I read the little tutorial and tried it out but to no avail :-(

All I get is the latest article in full although I ticked the "show more..." option and there's no fancy rewriting or alias problem either.

I'm using both 1.2.5 dev stable and the latest 1.2.6 CVS (two different sites).


Posted: Tue 28. Mar 2006, 20:16
by Ben

Go to ADMIN > site structure and edit the page in question. Make sure the "top article count" is set to something other than -1, such as 50.

Posted: Tue 28. Mar 2006, 20:44
by axelS
ahhh.. Thank you so much Ben :-D

Posted: Tue 28. Mar 2006, 20:45
by Ben
no problem, axelS - I'm always glad when I can help someone.