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Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 14:45
by rushclub
still under construction:

tip a friend
login-mod from phalancs


Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 15:12
by StudioZ
Very nicely and sharply done Rushclub :wink:
Congrats :)

Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 15:14
by Kosse
Aplauso rush,

I like the clean touch of it, neat, very neat, beautifully done!
Wauw wauw, me impressed and ... you can be proud of it !
Nice use of the RT and enhancements as well, you put quite an effort in it, cool (and css is ok, don't they give you too much headaches?)

Clap clap


Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 15:30
by Stim
Hi rushclub

I like that site. Nice structure...

But your kontaktformular, "Skicka fråga" It is on swedish. ... ktformular

Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 16:18
by pepe
Hi rush,

nice colours, perfect realisation... GREAT site :!: Nothing more to say but "second to none" :lol:

Now i'm interessted to see, what our other "top 5 designers" will bring... Not ease man, not easy...

Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 16:32
by Ben
Nice work, rushclub! I really the color selection of deep reds and khakis. I also really like the 1px white lines used as dividers in the nav / header images. Great design, great products, great photos. Keep up the great work!

Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 17:49
by DeXXus

To me, such a "well-realized" design is always =evident= when I see that "free" space on the right side of page and *salivate* while imagining how the web designer could/would put that to use (extending the canvas... so to speak). :wink:

If I had my way, I would *suggest* bringing one of the header's color hues down the right border, just outside the white edging. (Perhaps, use the top menu "hover" color -or- GRAUTHOFF blue... to be different). That would sharpen the framing and stop my wandering eye from drifting right --> into the void of "wishfulness". :P

Posted: Mon 20. Mar 2006, 19:05
by ssyfrig

looks great :D I like the colors and also the navigation on the left side.
At the top navigation I would prefer only changing the Font Color without
change the BG Color.

greez Sven

Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 00:37
by Jan212
kann ich nur sagen: vorbildlich geil.

Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 01:04
by Klappstuhl28
Hi rushclub,

what else could i say as "perfect":

- clean design
- clear navigatin with a well dosed hover-effect
- a good fitting color-palette

The absolutely only very single item is the usual looking
"go" login-button. Maybe you can set another CSS-attribute
and a little "margin" would make it look nicer.

By the way


Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 03:19
by easybaner
Da hat jemand Ahnung von Grafik und Typo. Respekt!


Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 07:38
by rushclub
danke :)


Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 10:23
by ff123
Very nice design. Well done graphics! :)

Just improve some details:
styling of forms
nice urls
dont use tables

Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 11:18
by cyrano
hallo rushclub,

klasse seite, umfangreich und konsequent gestaltet. toll!!

wie du schreibst nutzt du den login hack von phalancs.
user können damit auch ins backend, wie sind denn die erfahrungen damit?

ich würde den hack auch gerne verwenden, aber ausschliessen wollen, dass sich kunden im backend tummeln..

danke für kurzes feedback.

Posted: Thu 13. Jul 2006, 11:39
by rushclub
login im backend ist ausgeschlossen. die benutzer sind als fe-only user angelegt. lese dir mal das readme zum addon durch. benutzer zur zeit so um die 100 - 200 mit unterschiedlichen zugriffsrechten auf unterschiedliche seiten. läuft reibungslos.
