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[SOLVED]Blank page after login

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 13:07
by Centrix
I'm currently using phpWCMS 1.2.5dev, and after moving to public site, my login.php redirect to phpwcms.php just turns blank. When accessing phpwcms.php directly after login, I can get to the admin pages anyway, so it seems session is maintained.
The same behavior is true, when editing frontend.css through browser and clicking "Save" - only blank page is shown after...

Any suggestions on how to fix?

Pls? :)

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 15:13
by DeXXus
Sounds like chmod settings, maybe? What does the rendered source for the blank page(s) show?

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 15:15
by Centrix
Nothing at all!
Could this be a problem with the header redirect?

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 15:27
by DeXXus
What URL does the browser wind up at?

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 15:31
by Centrix

- seems redirect doesnt work proberly :(

Also, when choosing file for download, it opens in browser as code :(
(eg. a PDF file)

Thx for taken ur time with this, much appreciated!

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 15:34
by Centrix

Seems ISP switched to PHP 5.0.5 - is that why I get the errors?

Posted: Tue 21. Feb 2006, 15:56
by DeXXus
You didn't mention the errors... that's why I asked what the "rendered source" looked like :wink:

What error message(s)?

Posted: Wed 22. Feb 2006, 10:40
by Centrix
All is OK now - I finally made my site show PHP errors/notices using the .htaccess file, and it was a problem with headers!
When headers are not transmitted correctly, the Location: header and headers for pdf content (application/pdf) will fail...

The "bug" was a space at the end of the file :oops:
When removed, all worked as intended.

Thx all for replying!