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my first one with phpwcms

Posted: Sun 19. Feb 2006, 14:42
by update

outing myself:

is my first one with phpwcms (featuring some of these nice reptags, and transparencies)
It still needs cleaning up the code and the content part "Bilder" with "Klick vergrößerbar" ism't working sufficiently yet (some are working though :?: )

I went struggling with png alpha transparency and browser compatibility and it seems to work in ff, ie, ns and opera almost similarly, although there is more code to load - at least for ie.

There is still a little style switcher in the upper left corner (1234) - will be removed when there is a decision made for one direction.
Some text isn't finished yet too, but will be the next few days...
I started it for a screen resolution of 800x640 but had to change it for 1024 - personally I don't like these wide ones but...

Kindly requesting some comments, critique, hints - all welcome :lol:


edit: And not to forget a big THANKS to this forum and its inhabitants :!:

Posted: Mon 20. Feb 2006, 07:16
by Pappnase

nice page! but you have there some special chars in the text ;-)
and i would open external links in an new window ;-)

Posted: Mon 20. Feb 2006, 09:14
by update

thanks Pappnase
If you mean the spezial chars at the startpage? - this is a pasted placeholder to show the possibilities of placing custom blocks...
You are right- I will change the opening manner of external links so people will not get lost!
Most of the pics are still placeholders too - there will be made new ones (but this is relying upon others...)
Still working on it... so more comments, critique, hints are welcome!


Posted: Tue 28. Feb 2006, 15:26
by cmslounge
Nice, but a bit crowded. You might want to make the content easier to read.
Also, consider using SIFR to replace the images you're using there for headings. Using images as headings defeats the purpose of using a Content Management System since you have to know graphic design to edit them.

Posted: Tue 28. Feb 2006, 20:05
by update
Hi cmslounge,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, still a bit crowded...
I will be working again on the design the next week - cleaning!:wink:

And Errr...:oops: :? sorry for asking, but ?SIFR? Either I have a black out or really don't know what it is. Please explain ...

Ok I stressed the search function and got some information about sifr. This really seems to be considerably cool! But as I'm understanding your hint, I did it this way:
all of the menu in the neader is spit out by phpwcms and every graphics you see is a png with some kind of transparency. The header picture itself is a normal gif / jpg / png whatever (940x350) shining through the covering structure. So the user just has to format a picture with the appropriate dimension and do an upload into the headerpics folder structure...
Does this sound better?
