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Critique and/or help finding bugs

Posted: Thu 2. Feb 2006, 22:36
by mstroz

I would appreciate any feedback regarding this site:

It's going "live" pretty soon, and I want to make sure the release comes off without any problems.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 17:53
by larmann
Hi mstroz,

the site looks very nice. What I'd change is the bold font size in the a:hover. Here: the breadcrumb moves a bit due to the different font style.

Actually, the huge headers are very nice but probably a bit to huge. I don't like it to much if I have to scoll down to read a line. My whole 12" screen is full of header picture and navigation, e.g. here:

But anyway. Well done!

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 18:00
by Jan212
all in all good job, but i think the head is a bit to big from its dimensions, mainly the height... the type on the tabs is too big i think, i would scale it to 60-80% of the actual size... the horizontal navigation could be a bit higher... good color sheme

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 18:33
by mstroz
Thanks for the feedback larmann & Jan212.

I agree with your comments. Although some of the changes will have to be considered for phase II development, post release.

Also the bold font size in the a:hover has been bugging me too.

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 18:52
by DeXXus
Your credits at bottom of the page (site design & photography : BSL) straddle the bottom graphic instead of being totally within the beige.

for your Phase II:
I would ~suggest~ reversing the state of the menu buttons to appear "raised" by default, in order to emphasize them (3D-like) while altering hover to change button border color and onclick to appear "depressed".

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 18:57
by mstroz
good one. Thanks.

Plus with the bold on hover it really wonks out.

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 19:08
by mstroz
Any suggestions regarding hyperlink treament? I'm going to get away from the bold font size in the a:hover, but I've stared at the design for so long I can't come up with an elegant solution.


Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 19:36
by DeXXus
I ~personally~ like "overlining" text hyperlinks (and breadcrumbs) on hover, so that text size/presentation doesn't change (act wonky) but, "emphasis" is created:

Code: Select all

A:hover {text-decoration: underline overline; color: whatever;}
...and also like to make them in all CAPITALS, when not a part of the actual paragraph or text flow:

like Event Planning here:

Posted: Sat 4. Feb 2006, 21:17
by mstroz
another good suggestion.