I cant log in?

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I cant log in?

Post by dogue.nu »

I have succesfully followed all the installation process. I have deleted the setup catalogue from my server. Now I cant log in? I have tried using the username/password I created in the process, but also I tried the username/password for my database. But I cant log in :(
I downloaded the file conf.inc.php and placed it in the catalogue config/phpwcms at my server. Replacing the old one there.

Please help :cry:
Last edited by dogue.nu on Mon 30. Jan 2006, 14:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fellchen »

During the installation process, I let the username and password with the standard entries. I make only the checkmark to create the admin account. That works better and you can change the admin account after setup has been finished.

Greez Marko
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Post by dogue.nu »

I was too stay with the webmaster/admin at username/password. But doing that I got some red text..So I changed it to another user/password. I do not understand why I cant log in? Do I have to run the process all over again? Putting the catalogue named "setup" back at my server?
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Post by fellchen »

Dongue.nu for a new clear installation you have to delete the tables in your MySQL database. Then put the setup directory back to the server and reinstall the phpwcms.

Make sure you set the CHMOD 777 to the relevant files and directories!

Greez Marko
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Post by dogue.nu »

But I had all green OK's at the last page of the installation process. So all should be ok? Please can you give me a little more detailed information on how to solve this?

I have never worked with this before so I need more info 8)
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Post by fellchen »

Before one or another content management system goes online, I tryed first the installation process on a local webserver. For this I use the xampp with windows installation.
WWW: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html

After I know how that works with installation and I know how the system works I try to put it on a remote server and install it on them.

The xampp is I'm sure the best for testing CMS or other systems.

Greez Marko
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Post by fellchen »

Here a link to the english documentation...

Install process:
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Post by dogue.nu »

Now I understand even less :cry: I had all ok at the last page of the installation-process. The problem is that I cant login? What user/password should I use there? The ones for my database or the ones being created in the process installing the program?

Well I tried both and it is not working either of them :?:
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Post by fellchen »

1. Please post your error messages.
2. When you read step by step the english documentation for the install procedure, you will find "...Webmaster/Administrator Account. The details you supply in this step are not the same as your database details from step 3. It is strongly recommended that you do not use the same information for both steps."

Thanks, Marko
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Post by dogue.nu »

At the login page http://www.dogue.nu/phpwcms/login.php
I get:
Errors during login!

I did not put the same user/password as I had on my database. They are completely different. I read all the text at the english installation you gave me, and I did exactly like it says. Getting all OK at the last page of the installation process.
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Post by fellchen »

I found an other thread perhaps it can help you more...
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Post by Hanswurst »

have you checked the "create admin account" box under the forms username and password during the installation?
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Post by dogue.nu »

"Check your admin user name and password!".
That is what I got too..It said default was webmaster and password admin. So i changed those to other names, not being the same as for my database.

I had all OK in green at the last page of the installation process, so why cant I log in?
I am sorry but that thread did not help me either :cry:
have you checked the "create admin account" box under the forms username and password during the installation?
Yes I did :)

Shall I upload the setup catalogue again and start all over? The thing I do not understand is that all worked out fine but I cant login. Thanks for helping me out :oops: I really appreciate it
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Post by fellchen »

Did you upload the conf.inc.php to /config/phpwcms/conf.inc.php and overwrite the old one?

At the last step you should download the conf.inc.php!
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Post by dogue.nu »

I downloaded the file conf.inc.php and placed it in the catalogue config/phpwcms at my server. Replacing the old one there.
I did do that...

(Also I deleted the folder "setup" from my server. When I was to log in it said that I had to delete that folder. So I deleted it and then tried logging in but it did not work.)

Maybe this is the problem:
If this is your first installation of phpWMS and no previous database has been installed you should now click the create all tables instructing the setup process to build the database structure automatically. Leaving this box unchecked is for those users whom are updating or reinstalling phpWCMS over an existing version.
I did not mark that square...Is that the problem you think? And if so...shall I upload the original setup-folder? Will that be sufficiant for starting the process all over?
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