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Posted: Wed 15. Feb 2006, 21:00
by breitsch
Thanks for the compliments!
I only miss a way of showing only the entries that fit with a defined instruction
sounds interesting, even if it wouldn't be so easy!
Thanks for that little piece!!! So funny, really!
So I guess this is what you all desire:
To be serious: To integrate the Articlelink should not be to difficult.
I will put this on top of the todo-list for next version!
Posted: Wed 15. Feb 2006, 21:05
by Ben
Funny screenshot! It would be nice if we could select an option to make a field a text area of maybe 4 lines, in addition to the existing option of using a one-line text box. This would help for longer fields, such as "product description". Also, are the fields limited to a few hundred characters that are displayed in the front-end table?
Thanks for your work on such an amazing mod!
Posted: Wed 15. Feb 2006, 21:45
by Kosse
breitsch wrote:
Thanks for that little piece!!! So funny, really!
To be serious: To integrate the Articlelink should not be to difficult.
I will put this on top of the todo-list for next version!
What about this little piece of function?
Code: Select all
function showStructureAndArticles($artID) {
$output='<select name="articleID"><option value="0">none</option>';
for ($i=0;$i<count($GLOBALS['sitestruct']);$i++) {
if (count($GLOBALS['sitestruct'][$i]['articles'])>0) {
for ($u=0; $u<$GLOBALS['sitestruct'][$i]['lvl']; $u++) { $spacing.=' '; }
$output.='<option value="'.$GLOBALS['sitestruct'][$i]['articles'][0]['id'].'" style="background:#efefef; color:#676767;">'.$spacing.' '.$GLOBALS['sitestruct'][$i]['name'].'</option>
for ($u=0; $u<count($GLOBALS['sitestruct'][$i]['articles']); $u++) {
$output.='<option value="'.$GLOBALS['sitestruct'][$i]['articles'][$u]['id'].'"';
if ($GLOBALS['sitestruct'][$i]['articles'][$u]['id']==$artID) { $output.=' SELECTED >'.$spacing.' --> '; }
else { $output.=' >'.$spacing.' -- '; }
return $output;
I use it for a modified calendar/exdata MOD and it works
Posted: Mon 27. Feb 2006, 21:20
by Pauli
I had to change the sort function a bit, because I have tables like:
name #
name_c 1
name_a 5
name_b 11
which need to be sorted by the number. The result was 1,11,5 but I want it to be 1,5,11
So I changed this twice in 'include/inc_module/mod_exdata/inc_lib/exdata.classes.frontend.php'
"ORDER BY " . $fieldname['sort'] . " ASC ";
"ORDER BY (" . $fieldname['sort'] . "+0) ASC ";
I have no idea if this will work in every situation, but it worked for my...
Posted: Wed 1. Mar 2006, 19:00
by juergen
Found a funny bug (??) in css part of the mod:
In backend I have width: 742px;
--> output: width: 472px;
#exd_head, .exd_head class is involved ...
AND ! I checked my input LOTS of times *gg* I came to this, cause the 100% thing with IE..
Look here:
EDIT: SOLVED ... kicking template and taking a new one solved everything...
Posted: Fri 10. Mar 2006, 21:31
by Kosse
Hi Bachi, hi breitsch...
breitsch wrote:Hello
bachi wrote:Is it possible to change the standard- input fields with a textarea- form?
no, not possible
Actually it is
but in the old version ...
(not the new one because it calls a loop for all entries)
You'll have to edit hard code, say for exmaple you ALWAYS want your field 4 to be multirow change this in exdate.entry.forms.php:
<td><?php echo $fieldnames['field4']; ?></td>
<td><?php if ($cat_dat[4]=="isdate") {
echo "<input name="field4" type="text" id="field4" style="width:140px" class="f11" value="".$values['field4']."">\n";
echo $exd->getField(4);
} elseif ($cat_img[4]=="isimg") {
echo $exd->getFieldImg(4,$values['field4'],$BL['be_exdata']['forms']['width'],$BL['be_exdata']['forms']['height']);
} else {
echo "<textarea name="field4" cols="40" rows="10" />".$values['field4'];
echo "</textarea>\n";
} ?></td>
A thought for an ~even~ further enhancement breitsch?
Like a fx that would say
Code: Select all
else {
$exd_ent_list .= "<textarea name="field".$i."" cols="40" rows="10" value="";
($_POST['cat_tmp_update']) ? $exd_ent_list .= $_POST['field'.$i.''] : $exd_ent_list .= $values['field'.$i.''];
$exd_ent_list .= "" </textarea>";
Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 20:50
by Kosse
Bump... any thoughts about this? mmm?
Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 21:52
by breitsch
I'm working on it!
New Version 2.2 will let you set the contenttype of each field.
Available right now:
- single row text
multirow text
wysiwyg html
link + e-mail
Other content-types desired?
It's almost finished. still have problems with stripslashes and htmlspecialchars for the wysiwyg-content in frontend.
Backend is working fine.
Here is what I got so far:
I need Beta-Tester's. Someone with ExData installed and working would be nice to check the compatibility with old versions.
Posted: Sun 19. Mar 2006, 21:52
by Kosse
I'm here
That was fast reply
I already tweaked it by hand, but that's not the rigt method, yours is better
the zip, Casa-loca ? same login/pass?
Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 03:30
by maxroach
i tried to install the seems to fit exactly for my needs.
but it doesn't work. although i can see the mod in the backend, there is
no functionality, only the link, but nothing more.
is this mod working with the newest relaese of phpwcms?
thank you for your answer!
Hallo Breitsch und alle anderen!
Kann es an meinem Provider liegen, wenn Ihr vieleversprechendes MOD
nicht bei mir funktioniert?
Ich sehe im Backendberreich zwar den Linkfür das Exdata Modul...leider
tut sich aber nichts,wenn ich ihn anklicke...
Ich bin mir sicher, daß ich die Installationsanweisungen richtig befolgt aheb und bin mit meinem Latein etwas am Ende muß ich zugeben...
Liegt es vielleicht daran, daß ich die neueste Version von phpwcms installiert habe?
Wäre sehr nett, wenn Sie mir einen Tip geben könnten, falls die Problematik bekannt ist..
Vielen Dank!
Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 04:15
by frenzal
nice to see there's going to be a new version soon, as for the content types. I find myself in need of file content type so i can select a file from the server and show it in the table
Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 09:34
by SNap
i'm looking for some examples of this mod... just found one or two in this thread.. are there other examples out in the wild?
Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 12:59
by maxroach
are there any experiences with the installation of this mod with
a Version 1.2.6 of PHPWCMS? I have a problem with that.
Only the Exdata-Link appears, but nothing more.
Installation procedure
was correct, as far as i can see.(i repeated 5 times)
This is, what it looks like-nothing but nothing
Can you help me a little, please?
Thank you.
Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 13:50
by rushclub
du you enabled module in config-file?
Posted: Thu 30. Mar 2006, 13:59
by maxroach
du you enabled module in config-file?
yes of course:
$phpwcms["exdata_mod"] = 1;
Somethin else?